Do your students really understand the difference between value distribution and integrative negotiation, and have you given them a chance to practice their distributive bargaining skills? Do they understand that every negotiation includes elements of both value creation and value distribution? To help teach these key negotiation skills the Teaching Negotiation Resource Center (TNRC) has developed a wide range of negotiation games. Highly effective and engaging, negotiation games help to facilitate dynamic learning, as participants explore issues from both sides of the table, experiment with different approaches to resolution, and have an opportunity to see the results.
In this negotiation simulation from the TNRC, developed by Dr. Georg Berkel, students have the opportunity to master value distribution while negotiating the acquisition of a renewable energy company.
Solar Power – Featured Negotiation Simulation
In the Solar Power negotiation simulation, the potential acquirer of a technology firm wishes to participate in a fantastically huge project for the production of renewable energy in Northern Africa and the Middle East. The acquisition target is viable, yet its owners lack the resources to continue to compete. The buyer wants to spend as little possible to acquire the technology while the seller wants to get the most for their invention they can. Students or trainees need no special business or engineering background to participate. The simulation provides a quick way to review value distribution tactics in a very realistic setting. This negotiation simulation covers all basics of value distribution in negotiations, and allows for deducting the tactics of value distributing from the participants’ results.
This two party, distributive negotiation game is accompanied by a detailed teaching note, a scoring spreadsheet, and instructions with step-by-step guidance. Download a Teacher’s Package today.
Take your training to the next level with the TNRC
The Teaching Negotiation Resource Center (TNRC) offers a wide range of effective teaching materials, including
- Over 250 role-play simulations
- Critical case studies
- Enlightening periodicals
- More than 30 videos
- 100-plus books
Most TNRC materials are designed for educational purposes— for use in college classrooms or corporate training settings. TNRC cases and exercises help mediators and facilitators introduce their clients to a process or issue and help individuals who want to enhance their negotiation skills and knowledge.
Role-play simulations introduce participants to new negotiation and dispute resolution tools, techniques and strategies. Videos are also a helpful way of introducing viewers to key concepts, and TNRC books, case studies, and periodicals address the theory and practice of negotiation and conflict management.
Check out all that the TNRC has in store >>
I am looking for a video example of using silence in negotiation. I have found videos of people explaining the importance of silence, but not a good demonstration of what it looks like in action. Thanks.
I have sent your request to the Teaching Negotiation Resource Center and someone will get back to you.