The Program on Negotiation (PON) is a university consortium dedicated to developing the theory and practice of negotiation and dispute resolution. As a community of scholars and practitioners, PON serves a unique role in the world negotiation community. Founded in 1983 as a special research project at Harvard Law School, PON includes faculty, students, and staff from Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Tufts University.
Read more about the Program on Negotiation

Academic Programs & Faculty
Our faculty are among the world’s leading scholars and teachers of negotiation theory and practice.

Executive Education
Our program offerings run from multiple days to semester-length courses taught by leading faculty and experts in the field of negotiation, mediation, and conflict management.

Teaching Materials & Publications
We develop and offer a wide range of role-play simulations and other interactive teaching exercises as well as books, educational videos, and curricular packages.

Daily Blog
Our blog posts several new articles about negotiation, mediation, conflict resolution, and dealmaking each week.

Free Resources
We offer free downloadable reports and program guides, as well as access to free video content about negotiation and dispute resolution.

Upcoming Events
We offer in-person events as well as PON Live!, our online webinar with experts in the field of negotiation.