negotiation skills

Top 10 Negotiation Skills You Must Learn to Succeed

| | Negotiation Skills

Increasingly, business negotiators recognize that the most effective bargainers are skilled at both creating value and claiming value—that is, they both collaborate and compete. The following 10 … Read This Post

conflict management

Case Study of Conflict Management: To Resolve Disputes and Manage Conflicts, Assume a Neutral 3rd Party Role

| | Conflict Resolution

In their book Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most (Penguin Putnam, 2000), authors Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen tell us how to engage … Read This Post

Chatbot Negotiations

Chatbot Negotiations: What Can AI Do for You?

| | Negotiation Skills

Seemingly all of a sudden, chatbots like ChatGPT and other forms of artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming ubiquitous in everyday life. These virtual conversation partners can do … Read Chatbot Negotiations: What Can AI Do for You?

political negotiation

Political Negotiation: Negotiating with Bureaucrats

| | International Negotiation

Though officials may claim otherwise, they often have a certain amount of discretion when interpreting laws and making decisions. In government and political negotiation, you therefore must … Read This Post

negotiation style

Identify Your Negotiation Style: Advanced Negotiation Strategies and Concepts

| | Negotiation Skills

Have you ever wondered if your negotiation style is too tough or too accommodating? Too cooperative or too selfish? You might strive for an ideal balance, but, … Read This Post


The Benefits of Coalitions at the Bargaining Table

| | Negotiation Skills

Labor unions may be the most obvious example of a negotiating coalitions. When a company negotiates with an employee individually, it could threaten to hire someone else … Read This Post

Introductory Negotiation

Teaching the Fundamentals: The Best Introductory Negotiation Role Play Simulations

| | Teaching Negotiation

Introductory negotiation courses are taught in law and business schools around the world, but are also increasingly taught to undergraduates and in all types of corporate settings. … Read This Post

person typing on computer with email icon

Pros and Cons of Email Communication

| | Conflict Resolution

The pros and cons of email communication are worthy of consideration, given our continued reliance on email in business negotiations. Research on email negotiations highlights likely pitfalls … Read Pros and Cons of Email Communication

Closing the Deal

7 Tips for Closing the Deal in Negotiations

| | Dealmaking

“ABC: Always Be Closing.” That’s the sales strategy that actor Alec Baldwin’s character Blake shared in the 1992 film Glengarry Glen Ross as he tried to motivate … Read 7 Tips for Closing the Deal in Negotiations

MESO Negotiation

MESO Negotiation: The Benefits of Making Multiple Equivalent Simultaneous Offers in Business Negotiations

| | Dealmaking

In MESO, negotiation in which multiple offers are presented simultaneously at the negotiation table, effective negotiators seek opportunities to create value. By making tradeoffs across issues, parties … Read This Post

cultural barriers

Cultural Barriers and Conflict Negotiation Strategies: Apple’s Apology in China

| | Dispute Resolution

When dealing with a difficult counterpart, it helps to take a conciliatory approach to the bargaining table. While apologies necessarily involve moments of vulnerability, they can also … Read This Post

dispute system design

What is Dispute System Design?

| | Dispute Resolution

Dispute System Design (DSD) is the process of identifying, designing, employing, and evaluating an effective means of resolving conflicts within an organization. In order to be effective, … Read What is Dispute System Design?