Edited by Professors Lawrence E. Susskind and Larry Crump, this collection makes a strong case for how and why multiparty negotiation should be treated as a distinct field of study. The editors argue that multiparty negotiations exhibit at least three features that distinguish them from two-party negotiations: coalitional behavior, demanding process management requirements, and highly complex analytical challenges for each stakeholders (including shifting options for agreement and alternatives to agreement). The articles and case studies in the collection are written by negotiation specialists in law, international relations, public administration, urban planning, business management, and organizational studies who have a strong interest in managing conflict and helping groups and individuals solve problems, regardless of the number of parties involved.
This collection is ideal as a reference for practitioners, researchers, and teachers interested in multiparty negotiation in any field. Visit the PON Clearinghouse for more details. Four-Volume Set, Hardcover (1,672 pp.), $1,050.00.
About the editors:
Lawrence E. Susskind, Ph.D., is the Ford Professor of Urban and Environmental Planing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Vice-Chair of Education at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. He is the author of twenty books including Breaking Robert’s Rules (Oxford Universtiy Press, 2006) and Built to Win: Creating a World-Class Negotiating Organization (Harvard Business School Press, 2009) and has served as a mediator in more than fifty complex public policy disputes around the world.
Larry Crump, Ph.D., is a Senior Lecturer of International Management in the Department of International Business at Griffith University, Australia. He has published over fifty articles in journals such as Negotiation Journal, International Negotiation, Journal of International Economic Law, and Japan Journal of Negotiation. Most recently he published a third book: Developing Countries and Global Trade Negotiations (Routledge, 2007). He has won teaching awards for his graduate-level course on International Negotiation.