Negotiation Journal: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead in the Conflict Resolution Field

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What don’t we know about conflict and its resolution?
What do we need to know?
How would we find out?

Some of the world’s best-known conflict resolution scholars and practitioners offer some answers to these pivotal questions in the new special issue of Negotiation Journal, the quarterly journal published by the Program on Negotiation in collaboration with Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press.

The issue (Volume 18, Number 4) includes 15 different essays written by (among others): a group of New York City Police and FBI hostage negotiators; famed labor arbitrator Theodore W. “Ted” Kheel; David Hamburg, president emeritus of the Carnegie Corporation of New York; Jan Eliasson, Sweden’s Ambassador to the United States; and Gillian Martin Sorensen, the United Nations official who works directly with nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) on a variety of initiatives.

Essays featured in the special issue evolved from the spring, 2002 meeting in New York City of the “Hewlett Centers,” the 18 university-based negotiation research centers started with support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

Serving as guest co-editors for this special issue were the leaders of the New York conference: Sandra Cheldelin of George Mason University’s Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution; Melanie Greenberg of the Hewlett Foundation; Christopher Honeyman of Hewlett’s “Broad Field” research project and president of Convenor; and Maria R. Volpe of John Jay College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York (CUNY) and convenor of the CUNY Dispute Resolution Consortium.

The four guest editors served as co-chairs of the 2002 Hewlett Centers meeting, which also led to three articles (by Harold H. Saunders, David Malone, and Robert A. Baruch Bush) on the sweeping changes that have occurred in international negotiation practice over the past decade. Those essays appear in a section of the January 2003 issue of Negotiation Journal, which also includes a brief introduction by the Cheldelin-Greenberg-Honeyman-Volpe team.

To subscribe to Negotiation Journal (either in the print or electronic version) contact:

Kluwer Academic Journals
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Following is a listing of the contents and authors in the October 2002 special issue:

An Experiment in “Practice to Theory” in Conflict Resolution
Guest Editors: Sandra Cheldelin, Melanie Greenberg, Christopher Honeyman, and Maria R. Volpe

In Theory: The Images that Inform Theory

Understanding the Art and Techniques of Conflict Resolution
Theodore W. Kheel

Social Psychology’s Contributions to the Study of Conflict Resolution
Morton Deutsch

What Makes Conflict Resolution Possible?
Robert Dingwall

Framing New Directions for Theory from the Experience of Practitioners
Howard Gadlin

In Practice: The Challenges of Context

Negotiation Under Extreme Pressure: The “Mouth Marines” and the Hostage Takers
Jack Cambria, Richard J. DeFilippo, Robert J. Louden, and Hugh McGowan

Institutionalized Conflict Resolution: Have We Come to Expect Too Little?
Nancy A. Welsh and Peter T. Coleman

The Intersection of Religion, Race, Class, and Ethnicity in Community Conflict
Jacqueline Nolan-Haley

The Roles a “Civil Society” Can Play in International Dispute Resolution
Gillian Martin Sorensen

Research: The Next Questions

Building on the Strengths of Different Approaches
John S. Barkat

Correspondences and Comparisons in International and Domestic Conflict Resolution
Carrie Menkel-Meadow

Perspectives on Managing Intractable Conflict
Jan Eliasson

The Next Step: Research on How Dispute System Design Affects Function
Lisa B. Bingham

Some Minor Reflections on Conflict Resolution: The State of the Field as a Moving Target
Wallace Warfield

Preventing War Through Nation-Building: A Self-Interested Approach to Peace
David Hamburg

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