In case you missed it, Paul Berkman, Professor of Practice in Science Diplomacy and Founding Director of the Science Diplomacy Center at Tufts University, recently gave a Zoom talk about science diplomacy in the age of COVID-19, hosted by the Program on Negotiation (PON).
We now are in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, when common interests in survival are being expressed across the Earth in the absence of global conflict. How can we transform our world at local-global levels, evolving beyond this period of nationalism? How can we respond with informed decisions that couple local-global governance mechanisms and build infrastructure, short-term to long-term? Defying conventional wisdom, the United States and the Soviet Union cooperated continuously in Antarctica and Outer Space throughout the Cold War, despite the animosities that isolated them in every other sphere. The lessons from Antarctica — particularly applying science as a tool of diplomacy — reveal that the starting point of negotiations determines the end result. In Antarctica, the United States and the Soviet Union started from a point of common interests. In this talk, Professor Berkman introduces science diplomacy as an international, interdisciplinary, and inclusive (holistic) process, involving informed decisionmaking to balance national interests and common interests for the benefit of all on Earth across generations. Professor Berkman discusses the skills, methods, and the theory of informed decisionmaking as an essential negotiation strategy, triangulating education, research and leadership with science diplomacy as a language of hope. Check out the video of Professor Berkman’s talk to learn more about this important topic:
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