A few years ago, the Program on Negotiation Film Series screened “World Peace and Other 4th-Grade Achievements,” a documentary film that follows John Hunter, a public school teacher in Virginia, and his class of fourth graders as they play a highly interactive game called the “World Peace Game.“ Hunter invented this game to teach … Read Teaching Kids How to Negotiate World Peace
Learn how to negotiate like a diplomat, think on your feet like an improv performer, and master job offer negotiation like a professional athlete when you download a copy of our FREE special report, Negotiation Skills: Negotiation Strategies and Negotiation Techniques to Help You Become a Better Negotiator, from the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School.
negotiation film
What is a Negotiation Film?
Take advantage of a negotiation film to enhance your learning about negotiation skills, techniques, and to study notable negotiations from the past.
Negotiation film and video resources can help convey lessons in a different way than a lecture, discussion, or even role-play. Video scenarios help students grasp the subtle nuances negotiation requires, in a realistic context.
Similarly, a negotiation film may offer insights and lessons about how to negotiate in various cross-cultural contexts that just aren’t possible with in a lecture format. Furthermore, you can use negotiation film and video, along with other distance learning formats, in an asynchronous approach to facilitate knowledge sharing outside the constraints of time and place among a group of people.
Especially as schools and universities develop alternate learning schedules in the face of a global pandemic that often might involve mixes of in-person and online classes, or be entirely in a remote format, making sure students continue their learning outside of the class setting is becoming more crucial than ever.
Additionally, exercises that engage students and require them to put their in-class learning to use outside of class, whether that class is online or in person, can help them maximize opportunities to put their skills into practice.
Our free special report, Teaching Negotiation: Understanding the Impact of Role-Play Simulation, assembles three key articles originally published in Negotiation Briefings, the newsletter of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. Get your copy today to review the ones that matter to you:
• Shaping the context, meaning, and effectiveness of negotiation simulations: teaching and training insights.
• Transforming high-stakes policy negotiations: understanding the impact of role-play simulations.
• The enduring effects of classic negotiation games: lessons learned from the best-sellers.
We will send you a download link to your copy of the report and notify you by email when we post new negotiation advice and information on how to improve your negotiation skills to our website.
The following items are tagged negotiation film:
The Program on Negotiation to screen Roger Fisher’s The Advocates
The Program on Negotiation will present an episode of The Advocates, an award winning television show created in 1969 by the late Roger Fisher.
… Read More
Program on Negotiation (PON) Film Series Screening of ‘The Island President’ Featured in the Harvard Crimson
The Program on Negotiation Film Series recently screened “The Island President,” the story of President Mohamed Nasheed’s efforts to garner world-wide attention on climate change, as rising sea levels threatened the survival of his country, the Maldives. In introducing the film, PON Managing Director Susan Hackley said, “This wonderful film shows how a skilled negotiator … Read More
Dr. William Ury and Dr. Gary Slutkin speak at the PON screening of The Interrupters
The Program on Negotiation Film Series recently screened The Interrupters, a documentary film that follows three “violence interrupters” as they work to prevent violence in Chicago’s neighborhoods. The interrupters are outreach workers who were once notorious for their past gang-related experience, but who now work for an organization called CeaseFire, an initiative of the Chicago … Read More