Every year, the Program on Negotiation (PON) honors distinguished scholars with a Graduate Research Fellowship that provides support for one year of dissertation research and writing in negotiation and related topics in alternative dispute resolution.
These grants promote negotiation research and are awarded to candidates in the social sciences and professional disciplines who are currently pursuing theoretical, empirical, and/or applied research in the fields of negotiation and dispute resolution.
Among our 2014-2015 graduate scholars is Vera Mironova, a PhD candidate in Political Science at the University of Maryland.
Vera holds a Masters of Science (MS) in Computer Science, and a Master of Arts (MA) in Economic Geography from Moscow State University in Moscow, Russia.
Vera Mironova’s research focuses on “individual preferences for types of war termination and negotiations in conflicts.”
Her dissertation will utilize data she gathered while on the frontlines in the civil war in Syria. In addition to her research in Syria, Vera has also done research in the Balkans states, the African states of DRC Congo, Burundi, and Rwanda, the former Soviet republics in the Caucuses (Azerbaijian, Georgia, and Armenia) as well as those of Central Asia (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Kirgizstan).
Her PhD work is sponsored by the Open Society Institute. She has been published in the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics as well as most recently in October 2014’s Foreign Policy, “I Am Only Looking Up to Heaven,” focusing on a French Islamic State of Iraq and Syria fighter based in Kassab, Syria.