The Program on Negotiation would like to congratulate Nour Kteily for his paper entitled “Getting to the Table: Factors Affecting the Willingness of Israelis and Palestinians to Negotiate.” Nour is a Ph.D. Psychology candidate in the Department of Psychology at Harvard.
About the Award:
The annual prize of $1000 is awarded to a doctoral student author of the best research paper on a topic relating to negotiation, competitive decision making, dispute resolution, mediation, or ADR. This student must be enrolled at a PON-affiliated graduate or professional school, and while there may be co-authors of the paper, the student should be a lead author. This prize was established by PON in 2008 in honor of Professor Howard Raiffa, Frank Plumpton Ramsey Professor of Managerial Economics, Emeritus. Professor Raiffa was one of the founders of the Program on Negotiation.