Gender, Culture, and Conflict in Humanitarian Complex Emergencies (DHP D232)
Fall 2013
Dyan Mazurana
Friedman School of Nutrition
This course examines situations of armed conflict and complex emergencies and the international and national humanitarian, human rights and military responses to these situations from a gender perspective and highlights the policy and program implications that this perspective presents. Topics covered include gender analyses of current trends in armed conflict and terrorism; gender analyses of the links among war economies, globalization and armed conflict; the manipulation of gender roles to fuel war and violence; sexual and gender-based violations; women’s rights in international humanitarian and human rights law during armed conflict; gender and reparations for grave violations of human rights; gender and peacekeeping operations; gender and disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration; and gender and peacebuilding. (Monday and Wednesday: 9:40-10:55 a.m.)