Toby Berkman

Toby Berkman

Affiliated Faculty, Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Seminar, Program on Negotiation

Toby Berkman is a Senior Mediator at the Consensus Building Institute (CBI), where he helps leaders generate breakthrough results on tough social, environmental, and economic issues, and an affiliated faculty member at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. An attorney by training and a former corporate litigator, Toby has been facilitating dialogue and mediating complex public disputes for more than a decade. His practice focuses on helping organizations and stakeholders collaborate more effectively around difficult public issues, both domestically and internationally. He has worked with stakeholders and organizations at the local level, in the Alewife neighborhood right in CBI’s backyard, as well as the national and international stage, with the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Department of Defense, the United Nations and the World Bank. As affiliated faculty at the Harvard Program on Negotiation, Toby teaches courses on collaborative problem solving and dispute resolution to law students, executives, and professionals from around the world.


B.A., Harvard University

M.P.P., Harvard Kennedy School of Government

J.D., Harvard Law School

Research interests

Multilevel negotiation, conflict management, collaborative problem solving, international human rights

Selected publications

  • With V. Holt. The Impossible Mandate? Military Preparedness, the Responsibility to Protect, and Modern Peace Operations. Henry L. Stimson Center, 2006.
  • With W. Durch. Who Should Keep the Peace? Providing Security for Twenty-First-Century Peace Operations. Henry L. Stimson Center, 2006.

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