Join PON to Celebrate the Publication of Professor Robert Mnookin’s New Book “Bargaining with the Devil”
On Thursday, February 4, 2010, join us to celebrate the publication of Professor Robert Mnookin’s new book Bargaining with the Devil: When to Negotiate, When to Fight. This event is co-sponsored by Harvard Law School, the Program on Negotiation, and Facing History and Ourselves.
The evening will begin with a reception at 5:30 PM in Ropes Gray Room (2nd Floor, Pound Hall, Harvard Law School Campus). Following the reception, Professor Robert Mnookin, Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow, Assistant Professor Gabriella Blum, HLS Lecturer David Hoffman, founding partner, Boston Law Collaborative, and Margot Strom, Facing History and Ourselves’ Founder and Executive Director will discuss Bargaining with the Devil.
Copies of Bargaining with the Devil will be available for purchase.
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The world is living in dangerous times and the military option is no longer working in solving every conflict that springs up among men.The Iranians are enriching uranium and North Korea is believed to have nuclear weapons.The Chinese and the United States are in serious disagreement over the status of Taiwan.China’s censoring of materials posted on Google has seroiusly affected U.S confidence in that country in respect of its human rights record.However, the years of the unipolar world are over and countries like China,India,Brazil,Japan and the European Union are contributing greatly to the global economy.I will like to read what Professor Mnookin has to say about negotiating with the Taliban in Afghanistan if military action should fail.Chinese and U.S diplomatic relationship is strained and China has threatened to stop buying U.S Treasury bonds.What strategies of bargaining will make the Devil to concede.Remember he who sups with the Devil will need a long spoon.Again I congratulate you sir on your new book.
Olusegun Akanbi
Faculty of Law ,University of Ibadan.
Dear PON members,
I’m delighted to learn that Professor Mnookin has taken stands on the vexing puzzle we are all concerned about: ”Bargaining with the Devil.”
I’m particularly eager to know more about the new lens through which Mnookin wants us to look at the eternal blurred lines between ”just” and ”wrong” wars, i.e., as his subtitle suggests, the wars worth fighting for and the ones for which time is ripe for a negotiated deal.
As we are celebrating today the first year of the coming to power of a war-time Commander-in-Chief who recently won the Nobel Peace Prize while campaigning for the continued if not increasing use of force in Afganistan, a journey into the heart of the strategies of bargaining with the Devil cannot be more timely.
I will be honored to attend the February 4th presentation.
Again, my anticipated congratulations to Professor Mnookin.
Noel Twagiramungu, PhD Candidate
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy- Tufts University