BOSTON COLLEGE LAW SCHOOL (LL-92502 [Fall] and LL-92501 [Spring])
FALL and SPRING 2012/2013
Ericka Gray
Whether you incorporate mediation into your practice as an advocate for your client or you choose to become a mediator, this course provides a sound theoretical and practical skills base necessary for ethical practice. Beginning with an overview of interest based negotiation, mediation theory, and the role of mediation in the legal system, the course progresses to include a skills training component through simulation, role-play and demonstration. The skills training portion of the course includes an all day Saturday session early in the semester (see course web site for date). This course also examines the range of practice areas including family and divorce, public policy, and civil litigation, and explores cultural and gender issues, regulating the practice of mediation, confidentiality, and other important issues. Grading is based on class participation, short writing and other assignments, and a research paper in lieu of a final exam. Enrollment is limited to 24. (Fall: TBA; Spring: TBA)