Summer Fellowship Grants

PON sponsors grants for select students at Harvard University, MIT, Tufts University and other Boston-area schools who undertake internships or summer research projects in negotiation and dispute resolution in partnership with public, non-profit or academic organizations. The Summer Fellowship Program’s emphasis is on advancing the links between scholarship and practice in negotiation and dispute resolution by supporting students interested in exploring career paths, either professional or academic, in this field. Through this program, PON hopes to prepare students to assume leadership positions in the field of negotiation and dispute resolution, to forge new links between our academic community and worldwide organizations involved in the practice of negotiation and dispute resolution, and to encourage students to reach for opportunities that would otherwise not be available to them due to financial constraints.

The application deadline for the 2025 summer program is Friday, March 7, 2025. PON has the goal to make decisions within one month after the deadline.

For application instructions, please click here.

2023 Program on Negotiation Summer Fellows
Tara Opalinski
The Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University
Research Project with Alain Lempereur and Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld at Brandeis University
Nishant Warwade
The Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University
Research Project with Alain Lempereur, Brandeis University

2022 Program on Negotiation Summer Fellows
Shira Hoffer, Harvard College
Negotiation Works (Washington, DC)
Nim Ravid, Harvard College
Research Project with Jared Curhan, MIT (Cambridge, MA)

2021 Program on Negotiation Summer Fellows
Juliana Heffern, Fletcher
Mediation Works, Inc. (Virtual)
Krystal-Gayle O’Neill, UMass, Boston
Research Project (Virtual)
Deborah Wu, UMass, Amherst
The Leadership Academy (Virtual)

2020 Program on Negotiation Summer Fellows
Julianna Brill, Brandeis
Research Project w/Alain Lempereur (Waltham, MA)
Maarten H. Deschaumes, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Research Project (Virtual/San Francisco)
Rob Grace, Brown
Research Project (Virtual/Cambridge, MA)
Emma Grace Lewis, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Research Project with CBI (Virtual/Cambridge, MA)
Sonia Niznik, Brandeis
Research Project (Virtual)

2019 Program on Negotiation Summer Fellows
Diksha Bijlan, Harvard Kennedy School
Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Campaign (Palestine)
Tara Deonauth, Harvard Divinity School
Corrymeela Ballycastle (Northern Ireland)
Nathan Heath, Fletcher
U.S. Embassy (Kigali, Rwanda)
Alexandra McAuliff, Fletcher
Research Project (Manila)
Safiya Kemba St. Clair, UMass, Boston
Research Project (Colombia)
Sophia Park, Fletcher
Division for Ocean Affairs and the law of the Sea (DOALOS) Office of Legal Affairs at the United Nations Headquarters (New York, NY)

2018 Program on Negotiation Summer Fellows
Allie Brudney, Harvard Law School
Public International Law & Policy Group (Washington, DC)
Bahjat Mansour, Fletcher
Mission of Lebanon to the United Nations (Lebanon)
Steve Szrom, Harvard Law School
Public International Law & Policy Group (Washington, DC)
Parker White, Harvard Law School/Harvard Kennedy School
Public International Law & Policy Group (Washington, DC)

2017 Program on Negotiation Summer Fellows
Joseph Crupi, Harvard Law School
Public International Law & Policy Group (Washington DC)
Imani Franklin, Harvard Law School/Harvard Kennedy School
Public International Law & Policy Group (Washington DC)
Archibald Henry, Fletcher
French Centre for Ethiopian Studies (Ethiopia)
Ameya Kilara, Harvard Kennedy School
HKS Research Project (India)
Brayden Koslowsky, Harvard Law School
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Chile)
Julia Szendro, Heller
Massachusetts Office of Public Collaboration (Boston)
Natalie McCauley, Harvard Law School
International Institution for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (Tunisia)

2016 Program on Negotiation Summer Fellows
Sonia Kikeri, Brandeis
TAO Foundation (Mindanao, Philippines)
Myriam Marcuello-Lopez, Brandeis
Hiroko Yamamoto, Harvard Law School
Hague Conference on Private International Law (Hong Kong)

2015 Program on Negotiation Summer Fellows
Federica du Pasquier, Harvard University
International Committee of the Red Cross (Geneva)
Andrew Dusek, Fletcher
Search for Common Ground (Yangon, Myanmar)
Farzana Fayeq, Heller
American Enterprise Institute (Washington DC)
Narine Karapetyan, Suffolk University
ICC International Centre for ADR (Paris, France)
Ameya Ashok Naik, Fletcher
UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (New York)
Benjamin Naimark-Rowse
Doctoral Research

2014 Program on Negotiation Summer Fellows
Seanan Fong, Harvard Divinity School
Tsinghua University in China (China)
Christopher Maroshegyi, Fletcher
Kurdistan Democratic Party (Iraq and Jordan)
Danae Paterson, Harvard Law School
Public International Law and Policy Group (Washington DC)
Ashish Pradhan, Fletcher
Search for Common Ground (Liberia)
Owen Sanderson, Fletcher
I-DEV International (Kenya)

2013 Program on Negotiation Summer Fellows
Lara Berlin, Fletcher/Harvard Law School
Inter Mediate (London)
Steve Dry, Harvard Divinity School
Kids4Peace (Jerusalem)
Kathryn Hyten, Fletcher
Search for Common Ground (Beirut)
Roxanne Krystalli, Fletcher
La Fundacion Para La Reconciliacion (Columbia)
Sasha Pippenger, Harvard Law School
United Nations Office of the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Yemen (Yemen)

2012 Program on Negotiation Summer Fellows
Michael Baskin, Fletcher
West Point Negotiation Project (West Point, NY)
Sarah Detzner, Fletcher
Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (Nairobi, Kenya)
Emmanuel Ntaganira, Brandeis
National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (Rwanda)
Travis Warrington, Brandeis
Research Project (Senegal)

2011 Program on Negotiation Summer Fellows
Ashley Belya, Fletcher/Harvard Law School
UNHCR (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
Rishikesh Bhandary, Fletcher
The Mountain Alliance Initiative (Bonn, Germany and Kathmandu, Nepal)
Sam Chapple-Sokol, Fletcher
Academy for Peace and Development (Hargeisa, Somaliland)
Samantha Fang, Harvard Law School
US Trade Representative
Jenny Heintz, Fletcher
Mission in Support of the Peace Process under the Organization of American States (Columbia)
Margot Isman, Fletcher
Search for Common Ground (Sierra Leone)
Miriam Solis, MIT
Colorado River and Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basins
Shoshana Zeldner, Brandeis
Artist Proof Studio and the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa)

2010 Program on Negotiation Summer Fellows
Jasmine Barrett, Fletcher
Christian Friends of Korea (North Carolina)
Arielle Berney, Fletcher
UNDP Transition Recovery Program (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
Cassidy Evans, Umass Boston
UMass-Boston/ Settlement House in Abuja, Nigeria (Boston)
Ariel Heifetz, Fletcher
Cooperation Ireland (Belfast, UK)
Jessica Heinzelman, Fletcher
Ushahidi, Inc. (Nairobi, Kenya)
Patrick Karurewa, Fletcher
Institute for Peace and Security Studies (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
Orless Rabin, Brandeis
Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the Archipelago of San Andres, Old Providence, and Santa Catalina (San Andres, Colombia)

2009 Program on Negotiation Summer Fellows
Adam Saltsman, Boston College
Relief International (Jordan)
Jordan Pearlstein, Fletcher
Global Conscience Initiative (GCI) (Cameroon)
Mariah Levin
Eurasia Foundation Central Asia (EFCA) (Tajikistan/ Afghanistan)
Aparna Polavarapu, Fletcher
SEVOTA (Rwanda)
Jessica Varat, Fletcher
Peace with the Peruvian Forensic Anthropology Team (Peru)
Rositsa Atansova, Harvard Divinity School
Jordanian Interfaith Coexistence Research Center (Jordan)
Matt Siller, Harvard Kennedy School
Political Office of the Integrated Operational Team for Darfur; UNHQ (New York)

2008 Program on Negotiation Summer Fellows
Kyle Dietrich, Fletcher/Harvard Divinity School
Peace in Focus (Boston/Burundi)
Amy Margolies, Fletcher
UNDP (Guinea Bissau)
Olajide Olagunju, Brandeis
Professor. Mark Auslander (Nigeria)
Stephanie Singer, Harvard Law School
BSEA/Insight (Boston)

2007 Program on Negotiation Summer Fellows
Gu Yoon Chung, Harvard Kennedy School
Nautilus Institute (San Francisco/Boston)
Amy Finnegan, Boston College
Institute of Peace & Strategic Studies, Gulu (Gulu, Uganda)
Scott Paltrowitz, Harvard Law School
International Rescue Committee (Mae Sot, Thailand)
Maria Placht, Fletcher
UNESCO (Paris, France)
Monica P. Wisner, Fletcher
Norwegian Refugee Council (Heart, Afghanistan)

2006 Program on Negotiation Summer Fellows
Anika Locke Binnendijk, Fletcher
International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC) in US and Centre for Applied NonViolent Action & Strategies (CANVAS) in Serbia (Washington DC; Belgrade, Serbia)
Rachel Schiller, Fletcher
Independent Research (Banda Aceh, Jakarta Indonesia; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Stockholm, Sweden; Helsinki, Finland)
Susan Hayward, Fletcher/HDS
Academy for Educational Development (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
Zev Eigen, MIT

2005 Program on Negotiation Summer Fellows
Gillian Cull, Fletcher
United Nations Mission in Sudan (Khartoum, Sudan)
Keira Goldstein, Fletcher
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Institute for Int’l Emergency Medicine and Health, Peace through Health Project (Jerusalem)
Marina Pevzner, Fletcher
Mercy Corps/CMG (Tbilisi, Georgia)