Most of us feel compelled to respond honestly and completely to direct questions in negotiation, communication and conflict management, even when doing so could hurt us. If you are currently underpaid, for example, answering the first question truthfully is liable to keep you that way.
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When you download the New Conflict Management: Effective Conflict Resolution Strategies to Avoid Litigation you will learn how wise negotiators extract unexpected value using an indirect approach to conflict management.
communication and conflict
The following items are tagged communication and conflict:
When Dealing with Difficult People, Look Inward
Yes, there are difficult people in the world, but people often have good reason for behaving as they do. Reexamining our assumptions for bias can help us better understand them—and ourselves.
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Negotiation in the News: The Art of Communication and Conflict Resolution
What do you do when you believe you’ve been wronged, the offending party won’t talk to you, and you have no legal recourse? Would you look for new paths for communication and conflict resolution? Or would you go public?
That’s what the world-renowned art museum the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy, did in January 2019 to … Read More
Conflict Resolution and Opportunities for Mutual Gains in Negotiation
Poor communication explains many of our negotiation mistakes, write Roger Fisher, William Ury, and Bruce Patton in Getting to Yes, their landmark book. Here are four negotiation skills tips adapted from Susan Hackley’s May 2005 article “Can You Break the Cycle of Bad Communication?,” first published in Negotiation.
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Robert Bordone and HNMCP featured in the HLS Bulletin
“Uncommon Loss: Common Bond,” published in the Harvard Law School Bulletin discusses Project Common Bond, which was started by two former Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program students working with Professor Robert Bordone and clinic associate, Toby Berkman.
“For teens… from around the globe with family members killed or seriously injured in acts of violence, … Read More