$0.00 – $6.00
Deborah Kolb
Two-party, multi-issue integrative negotiation between a corporate VP and a prospective employee over salary and other terms of hire
J.B. Daniels is the Vice President of Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs at Colortek, a large manufacturer of film and photographic equipment located in the Northwest. In the four years that J.B. Daniels has been with Colortek, he/she has done much to increase the environmental awareness at the company. Recently, Daniels' second-in-command got the ball rolling on a "Green Marketing" campaign but has since left Colortek. Daniels has a strong interest in filling this position as soon as possible so that his/her department does not lose control of the "Green Marketing" project. Chris Dawson, a former Assistant Press Secretary to the Governor, has interviewed with J.B. Daniels twice thus far and has easily been the strongest candidate for the job. Dawson, however, is due to start business school in eight months. Daniels and Dawson are about to meet for the third time to discuss the final details of the position and money. There is a lot of overlap in terms of salary.
This is a one-on-one exercise. Participants should be given 15-30 to prepare and 30 minutes to negotiate. Debriefing should take at least 30 minutes, 60-90 minutes is sufficient.
- The knowledge that one's BATNA is weak often leads people to negotiate much less vigorously than they otherwise would. Is this ever justified? If so, under what conditions? The case affords a good opportunity to point out that any such analyses should be based on a consideration of the parties' relative BATNA's.
- The available data allow a number of more or less equally persuasive arguments about what a "fair" salary would be. This is at a minimum good practice in developing and using objective criteria. Beyond that, the exercise presents the more difficult challenge of finding an objective basis with which to judge the applicability of alternative objective criteria.
For all parties:
- Creative Options Sheet
Role Specific:
Confidential Instructions for:
- J.B. Daniels
- Chris Dawson
Teacher's Package:
- All of the above
Anchoring; BATNA; Communication; Creativity; Fairness; Information exchange; Joint gains; Offers, first; Options, generating; Relationship
Colortek Job Attributes
Time required: | 1-2 hours |
Number of participants: | 2 |
Teams involved: | No |
Agent present: | Lawyer |
Neutral third party present: | None |
Scoreable: | No |
Teaching notes available: | No |
Non-English version available: | Spanish |