$0.00 – $6.50
William Ury, Ibrahim Ibrahim and Roger Fisher
Three-team, multi-issue mediation involving two or more representatives each of the country of Tulia, the country of Ibad, and the Organization of African Unity (O.A.U.) regarding a cease-fire between the two warring countries
Eight days ago, Tulian rebels attacked a police station in the Tulian President's hometown of Toji. In retaliation, Tulian troops attacked a rebel camp 20 miles inside neighboring Ibad. The troops were withdrawn, but yesterday rebel forces backed by Ibadi troops invaded southern Tulia and advanced on Toji with the announced intention of pressing on to the Capital to overthrow the President. The President has requested Organization of African Unity (O.A.U.) intervention, and the O.A.U. has called for a cease-fire and sent a delegation to a neighboring neutral country to meet with representatives of Tulia and Ibad.
Either party and/or the mediator can be represented by 1 to 3 participants. The materials include charts for Interests and Currently Perceived Choice analyses. These can take 15-60 minutes or more to prepare. The meeting itself should probably run at least an hour. Videotaping and/or close observation are essential for maximally effective feedback to the mediator.
For all parties:
General Information:
- Chronology
- General Background
- Map
- Positions and Interests Worksheet
Role Specific:
Confidential Instructions to the:
- Ibadi Negotiators — with a Currently Perceived Worksheet for Tulia
- Tulian Negotiators — with a Currently Perceived Choice Worksheets for Tulia and Ibad
Teacher's Package:
- All of the above
- Illustrative Completed Worksheets
- Draft Teaching Instructions
Agenda control; Caucusing; Commitment; Communication; Compliance; Confidentiality; Constituents; Currently perceived choice analysis; Force; Issue control; Linkage; Mediation; Meeting design; One-text procedure; Options, generating; Political constraints, dealing with; Precedents; Public opinion; Reality testing; Risk aversion; Self-help; Threats; Time constraints
This is an good, straightforward mediation exercise in an international context. Detailed review of precise language, ordering of issues, use of caucuses, and framing of issues can be enormously rewarding. Close observation and/or videotaping is invaluable, although student-student review is also useful.
"Face-saving" and legitimacy are important factors in fashioning agreement that can be explored at length in review.
Considerable political and creative skill is needed to fashion a mutually beneficial option and present it in a politically acceptable package. "Issue control" is thus highlighted as a separate concept from the substance of any proposal.
Tulia and Ibad Mediation Attributes
Time required: | 1-2 hours |
Number of participants: | 3 |
Teams involved: | No |
Agent present: | Non-lawyer |
Neutral third party present: | Mediator |
Scoreable: | No |
Teaching notes available: | Yes |
Non-English version available: | Spanish, Croatian |