PON – Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School - https://www.pon.harvard.edu
Business and Commercial Role-Play:
$0.00 – $6.50
Melissa Manwaring
Two-party distributive e-mail negotiation regarding the potential sale of a domain name
Log In or Register to download the free Teacher's Package Sample.
Lattitude.com is a simple two-party, single-issue, primarily distributive negotiation regarding the potential sale of an internet domain name. It is designed to be negotiated entirely via e-mail, and may either be used in an online course or as a supplement to a face-to-face course. This simulation is a good vehicle for discussing the dynamics of distributive bargaining as well as the effect of the communication via email on both process and outcome.
Participant’s materials include:
Confidential instructions for the potential seller
Confidential instructions for the potential buyer
Teacher’s Package includes:
All of the above
Teacher’s note
NOTE: The time required refers to actual online negotiating time, but that this simulation is typically conducted over several days of asynchronous e-mail communication.
Prof. Susskind’s Top 5 Environmental Negotiation Teaching Materials
From time to time, the Teaching Negotiation Resource Center asks PON-affiliated faculty to nominate their top five books, top five teaching videos or top five role-play simulations in certain fields or teaching settings. These change periodically.