The PON Teaching Negotiation Resource Center is pleased to announce the launch of its online Syllabus Collection. The syllabi — all contributed free of charge by their authors — represent a range of negotiation-, mediation-, and ADR-related courses and workshops.
The primary purpose of the Syllabus Collection is to encourage the sharing of ideas around negotiation curriculum design. “To my knowledge, most of this idea-sharing happens informally, among instructors who already know each other (and each other’s work) quite well,” says Melissa Manwaring, PON’s Director of Curriculum Development. “I’m hopeful that an organized online syllabus collection will expose instructors at all levels to new ideas about useful exercises, readings, and course design.”
All syllabi in the collection may be accessed free of charge through the PON Teaching Negotiation Resource Center website, at
I will be teaching negotiation next year and I cannot find the syllabi collection – where can I find that?
We do not have an updated syllabi collection but I have been able to find some from 2008. I will send to you via email.
Gail Odeneal
Program on Negotiation