PON – Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School - https://www.pon.harvard.edu
International Relations Role-Play:
Zalada Crisis
$0.00 – $6.50
Thomas Rasmussen, Elizabeth Kopelman, and Wayne Davis
Two-party international negotiation between representatives of a former colonial power and an independent former colony over the release of two arrested embassy workers and related political consequences
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The country of Zalada achieved independence in 1962. It maintains friendly relations with Colonia, its former ruler.
Last week, two Zaladan drivers employed by the Colonian embassy were arrested, jailed, and reportedly beaten. They were traveling in an official embassy car at the time of their arrest; all other details of their arrest and detention were vague.
Over the past week, the incident has escalated. Some news reports have characterized the drivers' behavior as an insult to Zalada, while others have characterized the arrests as an insult to Colonia. Politicians on both sides have called for measures as severe as economic sanctions and the breaking of diplomatic relations.
The drivers remain in jail. The First Secretary of the Colonian Embassy has requested and been granted an appointment to meet with the Zaladan Deputy Minister of Justice for Security Affairs.
General Instructions
Confidential Instructions for the First Secretary of the Colonian Embassy and the Zaladan Deputy Minister of Justice for Security Affairs
Prof. Susskind’s Top 5 Environmental Negotiation Teaching Materials
From time to time, the Teaching Negotiation Resource Center asks PON-affiliated faculty to nominate their top five books, top five teaching videos or top five role-play simulations in certain fields or teaching settings. These change periodically.