PON – Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School - https://www.pon.harvard.edu
Labor Relations Role-Play:
Work Rules Strategy
$0.00 – $6.50
Kathleen Valley
Two-team iterated scoreable prisoner's dilemma exercise set in a labor/management context
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This exercise simulates a series of negotiations between the management of a Canadian food company and the union representatives. As with many actual labor relations, face-to-face negotiations are infrequent, and most of the negotiation plays itself out in the behavior of the parties rather than in words. For each business cycle, union representatives have the option of strict or flexible contract interpretation, while management representatives have the option of strict or flexible contract enforcement. In a classic "prisoner's dilemma" format, the benefits resulting from each party's choice depend on the other party's choice. Similar to Win-As-Much-As-You-Can or to the more complex Oil Pricing and Pepulator Pricing exercises, this exercise highlights issues around communication, cooperation, trust, reputation, assumptions, reactions, and strategy.
Teacher's Pack includes:
Instructions for Colonel Lodger's Inc., Local 180, CFWU
Instructions for Colonel Lodger's Inc., Management
Prof. Susskind’s Top 5 Environmental Negotiation Teaching Materials
From time to time, the Teaching Negotiation Resource Center asks PON-affiliated faculty to nominate their top five books, top five teaching videos or top five role-play simulations in certain fields or teaching settings. These change periodically.