$0.00 – $6.50
Holly Goo and Lawrence Susskind
Six-party, three-issue negotiation among a landowner and representatives of an engineering firm, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, town council, and environmental interests over cost and timing of removal of an unauthorized extension of property into a river
Carson Rug Company is a middle-sized, family owned business located in Garth, along the Melrose River. Carson applied for an Army Corps of Engineers permit to construct a seawall extending into the Melrose River. After this application was denied, Caron's second application, specifying a considerable smaller extension, was approved. However, the actual modifications nearly doubled the size of the authorized seawall fill. Carson contends that the noncompliance was unintentional and blames the engineering firm for misinterpreting instructions.
Representatives from the Army Corps, Garth Town Council, Hills Engineering, an environmental group, and the president of Carson Rug must negotiate the removal of the seawall fill in a manner that is agreeable to all.
- Multi-issue, multi-party negotiations tend to involve the formation of coalitions — especially blocking coalitions. This game provides an instructive context for exploring coalition strategies.
- Parties that reveal their true interests do not necessarily do better than those who remain silent or bluff. The advantages and disadvantages of revealing all one's concerns are illustrated in this game.
- The need for a neutral "process manager" of some sort is also illustrated, as the participants must structure their discussions.
Teacher's Package includes:
- General instructions for all participants
- Confidential instructions for:
- Stuart Carson (owner of the Carson Rug Company)
- Representative from Hills Engineering
- Army Corps of Engineers Lawyer
- Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Engineer
- Representative from Garth Town Council
- Local environmentalist from Massachusetts Chapter of Green Earth
- No Teaching Note Currently Available
Also available: Carson Extension – Mediated Version
Carson Extension Attributes
Time required: | 2-3 hours |
Number of participants: | 6 |
Teams involved: | No |
Agent present: | Lawyer, Non-lawyer |
Neutral third party present: | None |
Scoreable: | No |
Teaching notes available: | No |