negotiation strategies

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negotiation strategies

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  • Role Simulations
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    Labor Relations Role-Play:

    Collective Bargaining at Central Division

    Lawrence Susskind, Charles Hecksher, and Elaine Landry
    Two-team, multi-issue collective bargaining contract negotiation between three union representatives and three management representatives for a telephone company; includes an internal team meeting before external negotiations
  • Role Simulations
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    Environmental Role-Play:

    DEC v. Riverside

    David Lax, James Sebenius, Lawrence Susskind, and Thomas Weeks
    Two-party, multi-issue, scoreable negotiation between a manufacturer and a state environmental agency to reach a settlement over the manufacturer's pollution of a local river
  • Role Simulations
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    Business and Commercial Role-Play:


    Robert Ricigliano and Victor Issraelyan
    Two-party, integrative international negotiation between representatives of two neighboring countries over compensation for pollution in one of the countries caused by an industrial accident in the other country
  • Role Simulations
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    Environmental Role-Play:

    Global Management of Organochlorines

    Lawrence Susskind, Sarah McKearnan, Mike Gordon, Adil Najam, Joshua Secunda, Granville Sewell, Parag Shah and Andrea Strimling
    Thirteen-person, multi-issue facilitated negotiation among eight country representatives, four NGO representatives, and a working group chairperson must draft a treaty aimed at reducing harmful organochlorines; also known as "Chlorine Game"
  • Role Simulations
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    Community Dispute Resolution Role-Play:

    Guatemala Role Play, TheWorkable Peace: Indigenous Rights and the Environment in Latin America

    Michael Maturo, Kate Mahoney, Francisco Ingouville and Anthony Wanis St. John, under the direction of David Fairman
    Six-person mediated negotiation among representatives of the Guatemalan government, military, rebel groups, indigenous people, and U.S. government to address post-armed-conflict human rights, land claims, and cultural and political rights issues
  • Role Simulations
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    Governmental Role-Play:

    Monroe Energy Assistance Game I

    Allan Morgan and Lawrence Susskind
    Six-party, four-issue negotiation among representatives of consumer groups, political leaders, and public utilities to develop a statewide energy assistance plan for low-income residents
  • Books
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    Negotiation GeniusHow to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Brilliant Results at the Bargaining Table and Beyond

    Deepak Malhotra & Max Bazerman

    Clear and methodical advice for preparing for and executing any negotiation, drawing on decades of behavioral research and the experience of thousands of business clients - Co-winner of the 2008 CPR Award for Excellence in ADR (Outstanding Book Category)
  • Role Simulations
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    Real Estate Role-Play:


    Two-party, single-issue distributive negotiation between two neighbors regarding the potential sale of a vacant lot; refinement of Appleton-Baker
  • Role Simulations
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    International Relations Role-Play:

    Water on the West Bank

    Susan Podziba and Lawrence Susskind
    Seven-person, four-issue mediation among three Israeli water authority and regional representatives and three Palestinian water authority and political representatives over plans to drill a new well on the West Bank
  • Role Simulations
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    Community Dispute Resolution Role-Play:

    WestvilleMediation Strategies in Community Planning

    John Forester and David Stitzel
    Three-person, three-issue, integrative, scoreable mediation among representatives of a homelessness task force and a neighborhood group, mediated by a planning department representative, over the terms of a proposed homeless shelter in their suburban town