PON – Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School - https://www.pon.harvard.edu
Employment Negotiation Role-Play:
Office Imbroglio
$0.00 – $6.50
Marjorie Corman-Aaron and JAMS/ Endispute
A two-party negotiation (or optional mediation) between a manager and employee regarding the employee's decline in job performance
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Integrated Strategy and Implementation, Inc. (ISI) is a consulting firm which expanded to incorporate small firms in specialized areas to help customers implement strategies. Fran Folkman was a partner in one of the small firms which merged with ISI. Along with Fran moved his/her right-hand person, Pat Purcell. Purcell has worked with Folkman, initially as an entry-level employee, and has become a competent professional. Of late, their relationship has soured as Folkman perceives Purcell as less than committed to the business and as having let certain areas of his job performance slide. Purcell has become dissatisfied with Folkman's efforts at control, lack of feedback, and difficult work habits. Fran has brought matters to a head by sending Purcell and HR form listing areas of substandard performance and demanding that he agree, in writing, to improve his job performance or resign. Both parties have agreed to work through their discontent with Chris Cahill, the vice-president to whom Folkman reports. (Note: You can give students in Cahill's role the option to assume a different identity, that of an outside neutral, or of someone in a different position at ISI.)
Prof. Susskind’s Top 5 Environmental Negotiation Teaching Materials
From time to time, the Teaching Negotiation Resource Center asks PON-affiliated faculty to nominate their top five books, top five teaching videos or top five role-play simulations in certain fields or teaching settings. These change periodically.