
Cross Cultural Negotiations in International Business: Four Negotiation Tips for Bargaining in China

| | International Negotiation

What special insights do outsiders need to prepare for international negotiations in China? Much of what you know already about negotiation holds true, but four characteristics complicate … Read This Post

integrative bargaining

Expanding the Pie: Integrative versus Distributive Bargaining Negotiation Strategies

| | Negotiation Skills

Imagine that you’re buying a used car from its original owner. Of course, you want to get the best deal you can for your money, while your … Read This Post

how to deal with difficult customers

How to Deal with Difficult Customers

| | Dealing with Difficult People

To hear some salespeople and service representatives tell it, difficult behavior from customers is at an all-time high. Stories of demanding customers proliferate in the press and … Read How to Deal with Difficult Customers

renegotiate salary

Renegotiate Salary to Your Advantage

| | Salary Negotiations

As we prepare to renegotiate salary, most of us intend to ask for as much as we can without antagonizing our employer. But we sometimes undervalue our … Read Renegotiate Salary to Your Advantage

negotiation techniques

Negotiation Techniques To Get New Business Partnerships Off on the Right Foot

| | Negotiation Skills

“A huge mistake.” “A shot in the dark.” “An audacious move.” Those are a few of the media’s characterizations of wireless carrier AT&T’s acquisition of media and … Read This Post

Introductory Negotiation

Teaching the Fundamentals: The Best Introductory Negotiation Role Play Simulations

| | Teaching Negotiation

Introductory negotiation courses are taught in law and business schools around the world, but are also increasingly taught to undergraduates and in all types of corporate settings. … Read This Post


Streaming Toward Win-Win Negotiation: Spotify Upgrades Its Negotiating Strategy

| | Win-Win Negotiations

Win-win negotiation proved elusive for Spotify in 2006 negotiations with Taylor Swift. Seeming to have learned from that episode, the streaming service recently negotiated changes to its … Read This Post

authoritarian leadership style

How an Authoritarian Leadership Style Blocks Effective Negotiation

| | Leadership Skills

Those who favor an authoritarian leadership style, also known as an autocratic leadership style, tend to believe their approach to management is more efficient and decisive than … Read This Post


What Makes a Good Mediator?

| | Mediation

What makes a good mediator? And how is it that mediators—who themselves lack any power to impose a solution—nevertheless often lead bitter disputants to agreement? … Read What Makes a Good Mediator?

The Pros and Cons of Back-Channel Negotiations

The Pros and Cons of Back-Channel Negotiations

| | International Negotiation

Back-channel negotiations have been used in numerous conflicts across the globe, including the Israeli-Palestinian peace process from 1994 to 1996 and the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979–1980. … Read The Pros and Cons of Back-Channel Negotiations

M&A Negotiation Strategy

M&A Negotiation Strategy: Dealing with an Unpredictable Counterpart

| | Dealing with Difficult People

In the high-stakes world of mergers and acquisitions (M&As), negotiation missteps can amplify into disasters, and lucky breaks into triumphs. As a result, there is much that … Read This Post

humor in business

Is Humor in Business Negotiation Ever Appropriate?

| | Negotiation Skills

Have you ever wondered if humor in business negotiation is appropriate, and when? We spoke with Alison Wood Brooks, O’Brien Associate Professor of Business Administration and Hellman … Read This Post