negotiation books

Best Negotiation Books: A Negotiation Reading List

| | Negotiation Training

Whether you are facing negotiations with Congress, colleagues, customers, or family members, the following negotiation books, published in recent years by experts from the Program on Negotiation, … Read This Post

types of negotiation

Types of Negotiation for Business Professionals

| | Negotiation Skills

An understanding of the most common types of negotiation used in the business world will help you prepare to get the best deal possible—while building a strong … Read Types of Negotiation for Business Professionals

contingent contract

Try a Contingent Contract if You Can’t Agree on What Will Happen

| | Dealmaking

In negotiation, all the goodwill, trust, and cooperation you create can seem useless if you and your negotiating counterpart disagree about how future events may play out. … Read This Post


How to Renegotiate a Bad Deal

| | Dealing with Difficult People

Think you have some stories from trying to renegotiate? Try this one on for size. Many viewed the deal to be a terrible one from the start. … Read How to Renegotiate a Bad Deal

business negotiation

10 Popular Business Negotiation Articles

| | Business Negotiations

Here are ten popular business negotiation articles on the Program on Negotiation website. Drawn from a variety of negotiation case studies as well as negotiation research, the … Read 10 Popular Business Negotiation Articles

cultural barriers

Cultural Barriers and Conflict Negotiation Strategies: Apple’s Apology in China

| | Dispute Resolution

When dealing with a difficult counterpart, it helps to take a conciliatory approach to the bargaining table. While apologies necessarily involve moments of vulnerability, they can also … Read This Post

nelson mandela

Nelson Mandela: Negotiation Lessons from a Master

| | Leadership Skills

Some people learn to negotiate on the job, in a classroom, or in a therapist’s office. In Nelson Mandela’s case, “prison taught him to be a master … Read Nelson Mandela: Negotiation Lessons from a Master

participative leadership

Leading vs. Managing: What’s the Difference?

| | Leadership Skills

Are you a manager or a leader? Many people would say they are a bit of both. Indeed, the overlap between the two roles can be confusing. … Read Leading vs. Managing: What’s the Difference?

principled negotiation

Using Principled Negotiation to Resolve Disagreements

| | Dispute Resolution

Parties can often reach a better agreement through integrative negotiation—that is, by identifying interests where they have different preferences and making tradeoffs among them. If you care … Read This Post

ultimatum in negotiation

Dear Negotiation Coach: Responding (Or Not) to an Ultimatum in Negotiation

| | Dispute Resolution

Many times in our lives, we will encounter an ultimatum in negotiation. Sometimes the ultimatum is real, and often times it is not. However, there are ways … Read This Post

negotiation tools and techniques

Negotiation Tools and Techniques: Research Roundup

| | Negotiation Skills

Recent negotiation research offers negotiation tools and techniques to use in your business negotiations to make strong opening offers, negotiate effectively online, and boost your sense of … Read This Post

Cole Cannon Program on Negotiation Testimonial

Cole Cannon Esq. Shares His Negotiation and Leadership Experience

| | Negotiation Training

While some are born with the ability to negotiate, most leaders hone their negotiation skills over time, through on-the-job experience. At the Program on Negotiation, we accelerate … Read This Post