negotiation advice

Negotiation Advice for Buying a Car: Tips for Improving Your Negotiating Position

| | Business Negotiations

How can you negotiate the best possible price for a new car? This is a common negotiation question, and naturally so. A car is one of the … Read This Post

international negotiation

Top International Negotiation Examples: The East China Sea Dispute

| | International Negotiation

Even when negotiators believe they sincerely want to reach an outcome that is fair to all, their perceptions of what constitutes a fair agreement are likely to … Read This Post

dealing with difficult situations

Appealing to Sympathy When Dealing with Difficult Situations

| | Negotiation Skills

Imagine that you are about to enter into a negotiation. Unbeknown to your counterpart, the stakes are particularly high because you are dealing with difficult situations behind … Read This Post

How to Respond to Questions

The Best New Simulations

| | Teaching Negotiation

Looking to update your curriculum with innovative new simulations? Check out these new simulations from the Teaching Negotiation Resource Center (TNRC).
Discord at the Daily Herald – New … Read The Best New Simulations

International Business Negotiation Case Studies

Top 10 International Business Negotiation Case Studies

| | International Negotiation

International business negotiation case studies offer insights to business negotiators who face challenges in cross-cultural business negotiation. … Read This Post

negotiation techniques

Negotiation Techniques: The First Offer Dilemma in Negotiations

| | Dealmaking

The first offer dilemma in negotiations – should you make the first offer? Few questions related to negotiation techniques and negotiation strategies have yielded more academic attention … Read This Post

negotiation biases

Counteracting Negotiation Biases Like Race and Gender in the Workplace

| | Leadership Skills

To learn more about negotiation biases, let’s look back to July of 2018 when the principal flutist of the Boston Symphony Orchestra (BSO), Elizabeth Rowe, became the … Read This Post

dealing with an irrational home seller

Negotiation Examples in Real Life: Buying a Home

| | Business Negotiations

While many of our articles discuss negotiation theory and the latest research, sometimes it helps to discuss negotiation examples in real life when offering negotiation tips and … Read Negotiation Examples in Real Life: Buying a Home

negotiating with liars

Negotiating with Liars: Bluffing versus Puffing

| | Negotiation Skills

How many times have you sat at the bargaining table, and wondered, “am I negotiating with liars?” And to your own self be true—how many times have … Read Negotiating with Liars: Bluffing versus Puffing

Lessons from TV Negotiations

Michael Scott, Negotiation Genius? Lessons from TV Negotiations


Business negotiators can get useful advice from a variety of sources, from books to blogs to training and classes—and even, as it turns out, from TV shows. … Read This Post

dispute system design

Asynchronous Learning: Negotiation Exercises to Keep Students Engaged Outside the Classroom

| | Teaching Negotiation

Asynchronous role-play simulations teach valuable negotiation skills outside of a typical class format.
Asynchronous learning is a term used to describe education, instruction, or learning that does not … Read This Post

Hard Bargaining in Negotiation

| | International Negotiation

Hard bargaining in negotiation is often touted as the best way to get what you want when all else fails. But as recent news stories illustrate, hard … Read Hard Bargaining in Negotiation