negotiation theory

Dear Negotiation Coach: Can Negotiation Theory Help Us Understand Our Religious Identity?

| | Negotiation Skills

Negotiation theory suggests you focus on interests, not positions; separate inventing from committing; invest heavily in “What if?” questions; insist on objective criteria; and try to build … Read This Post

communication and conflict resolution

Negotiation in the News: The Art of Communication and Conflict Resolution

| | Conflict Resolution

What do you do when you believe you’ve been wronged, the offending party won’t talk to you, and you have no legal recourse? Would you look for … Read This Post

problem solving approach

Dear Negotiation Coach: Can External Advisers Hinder a Problem Solving Approach?

| | Mediation

There are numerous advantages to hearing from external advisers and experts in a high-stakes negotiation. However, when talks are at an impasse, limiting the negotiation to a … Read This Post

Collective Leadership and the Paris Climate Change Agreement

Collective Leadership and the Paris Climate Change Agreement

| | Leadership Skills

On April 14, the Program on Negotiation presented its 2022 Great Negotiator Award to Costa Rican diplomat Christiana Figueres for her success in spearheading the 2015 Paris … Read This Post

crisis negotiations, secret negotiations

In Crisis Negotiations, Stay Rational Under Pressure

| | Crisis Negotiations

At the time, it seemed to be an example of coolheaded dealmaking in the midst of disaster. In 2009, hit hard by the 2008 financial crisis and … Read This Post

conflict of interest

How Serious is Your Agent’s Conflict of Interest?

| | Dispute Resolution

The television industry has undergone seismic changes in recent decades, first with cable TV joining broadcast TV, followed by the rise of digital streaming companies such as … Read This Post

bargaining in good faith

Dear Negotiation Coach: Is Age a Factor to Bargaining in Good Faith?

| | Dealmaking

Perhaps even more than in person, bargaining in good faith is essential in negotiations conducted through email. With no visual cues or body language, there can be … Read This Post

BATNA Analysis

BATNA Analysis Can Help You Avoid the Agreement Trap


In both our personal and our business negotiations, “getting to yes” is typically the ultimate goal. Negotiation research and advice tend to focus on identifying the conditions … Read This Post

tough negotiators

Tough Negotiator: Insights on Vladimir Putin from Former U.S. Secretaries of State

| | International Negotiation

How should you prepare to negotiate effectively with an exceptionally tough negotiator? That’s the question the United States and its allies have faced since Russian president Vladimir … Read This Post

win win relationship

Dear Negotiation Coach: Creating a Win Win Relationship in Business

| | Dealmaking

I am trying to buy a smaller company in my industry, but the negotiations have stalled over price.
It probably won’t surprise you to hear the seller thinks … Read This Post

group conflict resolution

Moving Toward Group Conflict Resolution

| | Conflict Resolution

Over the years, what many believe to be Jesus’s tomb in Jerusalem’s Old City has been the site of tensions that have at times escalated into violence. … Read Moving Toward Group Conflict Resolution

negotiation mistakes

Dear Negotiation Coach: Plan Ahead for Negotiation Mistakes

| | Negotiation Skills

We recently had a question about some common negotiation mistakes people make while they’re still preparing for a negotiation. Kessely Hong, Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and … Read This Post