negotiation planning process

In the Negotiation Planning Process, to Capture the Force, be Patient

| | Business Negotiations

Sometimes the negotiation planning process will take longer than expected to get the best results. The negotiation planning process behind Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm suggest the value … Read This Post

Conflict Resolution in the Ebook Era

| | Conflict Resolution

New technologies bring new business models—and often, lawsuits follow. Various disputes involving ebooks in recent years highlight the need to approach negotiations carefully so that you can … Read Conflict Resolution in the Ebook Era

best negotiators in history nelson mandela

Best Negotiators in History: Nelson Mandela and His Negotiation Style

| | International Negotiation

The late Nelson Mandela will certainly be remembered as one of the best negotiators in history. He was clearly “the greatest negotiator of the twentieth century,” wrote … Read This Post

value claiming - value conflict

Value Claiming in Negotiation

| | Negotiation Skills

In most negotiations, we face two goals: claiming value and creating value. Value can be defined as anything you would like to get out a negotiation, whether … Read Value Claiming in Negotiation

alternative dispute resolution examples

Alternative Dispute Resolution Examples: Restorative Justice

| | Dispute Resolution

Alternative dispute resolution examples often highlight relatively cheap, quick, and efficient alternatives to litigation, such as mediation. Within the criminal justice system, cases increasingly are being resolved … Read This Post

technology in negotiation

Does Using Technology in Negotiation Change Our Behavior?

| | Negotiation Skills

Technology has infiltrated almost every element of our negotiations, as it has almost every aspect of our lives. Negotiation scholars have studied how negotiating via technological media … Read This Post

Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership and Warren Buffett’s Giving Pledge

| | Leadership Skills

Billionaire Warren Buffett is not particularly interested in making more money for himself. At 85 years old, he has amassed a staggering fortune, worth over $65 billion. … Read This Post

distributive negotiation

Teach by Example with These Negotiation Case Studies

| | Teaching Negotiation

Negotiation case studies use the power of example to teach negotiation strategies. Looking to past negotiations where students can analyze what approaches the parties took and how … Read This Post

anchoring effect

The Anchoring Effect and How it Can Impact Your Negotiation

| | Negotiation Skills

Goal setting affects performance. In a review of goal-setting research, negotiation scholars Deborah Zetik and Alice Stuhlmacher of DePaul University found that when negotiators set specific, challenging … Read This Post

cultural differences in negotiation

Unlocking Cross-Cultural Differences in Negotiation

| | International Negotiation

Cross-cultural differences in negotiation can be particularly challenging. When people from different cultures negotiate, they often feel uncertain about how to act and confused by one another’s … Read This Post

conflict management

Conflict Management: Intervening in Workplace Conflict

| | Conflict Resolution

Question: I’m aware of lots of unresolved personnel issues that seem to be festering in my department, such as complaints about someone who is not doing his … Read This Post

negotiator's dilemma

Managing the “Negotiator’s Dilemma” with Multiple Equivalent Simultaneous Offers

| | Negotiation Skills

There are two common perspectives on negotiation that can seem at odds, leaving negotiators to decide between these options. But one way around this negotiator’s dilemma is … Read This Post