Program on Negotiation saddened by the loss of 2007 Great Negotiator, Bruce Wasserstein

| | Daily, Great Negotiator Award, News

The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School was saddened to learn of the death of Bruce Wasserstein, PON’s 2007 Great Negotiator. The Great Negotiator Award is  … Read This Post

Dealing with choice overload

| | Negotiation Skills

When it comes to offering and considering choices in a negotiation, the more the better, right? In fact, the presence of too many options may actually hamper … Read Dealing with choice overload

Be sure to give at the office

| | Daily, Negotiation Skills

Reciprocation tactics are tried and true. Politicians “logroll” votes on pet projects, companies offer free product samples to consumers, and charitable organizations include small gifts when soliciting … Read Be sure to give at the office

Is It in Their Interest to Follow You?

| | Business Negotiations

Why should the people you’re supposed to lead follow you? If you believe that your charisma, your exalted office, or your vision is reason enough, you’re in … Read Is It in Their Interest to Follow You?

Aggressive Negotiation Tactics: Threats at the Bargaining Table

Tough Tactics: Do ‘Death Threats’ Really Work?

| | Business Negotiations

What would you do if someone threatened you? Strike back? Run away? Beg for mercy? Try to negotiate?

Last April, The New York Times in effect held a … Read Tough Tactics: Do ‘Death Threats’ Really Work?

Are you being hoodwinked?

| | Daily, Negotiation Skills

As a partner at your growing law firm, you’ve been charged with negotiating the lease of much-needed additional office space in your building. The real-estate agent has … Read Are you being hoodwinked?

Business Negotiation Skills: Negotiate Before the Damage is Done

| | Business Negotiations

Suppose you work for a specialty bicycle manufacturer and have negotiated a one-year contract to buy 500 headlamps per month from a supplier for $10 each, with … Read This Post

Herbert C. Kelman Seminar on International Conflict:

| | Conflict Resolution, Daily, Events, The Kelman Seminar

Conflict in Global Finance After the Meltdown:

Reconciling Competing Priorities

Richard Parker
Lecturer on Public Policy
Shorenstein Center, Harvard Kennedy School
Date: November 10, 2009
Time: 4-6 PM
Where: CGIS Building, … Read This Post

Gender in Negotiation and Decision Making Research Seminar

| | Daily, Events, Negotiation Skills, Webcasts

The research seminar on Gender in Negotiation and Decision Making is jointly sponsored by the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School and the Women and Public … Read This Post

Harvard Negotiation Law Review Launches New Website

| | Awards, Grants, and Fellowships, Daily, News, Reviews of Books

The Harvard Negotiation Law Review has just launched a new website! features a host of articles on Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration, and other dispute resolution … Read This Post

Obama as mediator?

| | Daily, Mediation

Recently, a local incident grew into a national dispute that seemed ripe for mediation. After being locked out of his home and forcing his way in, Henry … Read Obama as mediator?

2009 Program on Negotiation Fall Open House

| | Awards, Grants, and Fellowships, Daily, Events, Student Events

Interested in negotiation and conflict resolution?
Come to the Program on Negotiation Open House!

The open house will begin at 6:30pm on Tuesday, September 29th in the PON Library, … Read 2009 Program on Negotiation Fall Open House