Gender in Job Negotiations: New Strategies for Overcoming the Compensation Negotiation Dilemma for Women

Event Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 8:30-10:00 A.M. (Continental Breakfast at 8:00 A.M.)
Location: Harvard Law School, Pound Hall 2nd Floor, John Chipman Gray Room

Research shows that women—more than men—face a “compensation negotiation dilemma,” in which they have to weigh the economic benefits of negotiating for higher pay against the social risks of being perceived negatively for having negotiated. Professor Bowles will talk about her latest research on how women can overcome this compensation negotiation dilemma. She will also talk more broadly about the effects of gender on job negotiations, and share strategies for overcoming the gender gap in compensation negotiations.

Hannah Riley Bowles is an Associate Professor at the Harvard Kennedy School. Her research focuses primarily on gender in negotiation and the attainment of leadership positions. She has conducted case research on leadership in crisis and complex multi-party conflicts. She has published in journals, such as the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes and the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. Bowles teaches leadership and negotiation in numerous executive programs. She is the faculty director of Women & Power, the Kennedy School’s executive program for women leaders from the public, private and non-profit sectors. She won the Kennedy School’s 2003 Manuel Carballo Award for Excellence in Teaching. Earlier in her career, she was a research associate at the Conflict Management Group and Harvard Business School. She was a technical advisor to the Minister of Natural Resources, Energy & Mines of Costa Rica and has been a fellow at the Argentinean National Institute of Public Administration, the West German Parliament, and Oxford University’s Forestry Institute. She has a DBA from the Harvard Business School, an MPP from the Kennedy School, and a BA from Smith College.

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One Response to “Gender in Job Negotiations: New Strategies for Overcoming the Compensation Negotiation Dilemma for Women”

  • Martin P.

    How I can obtein the book Bargaining with the Devil (when to negotiate when to fight) by Robert Mnookin?



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