Climate Change Negotiations: What Can We Learn From the U.S./China Agreement?
The Herbert C. Kelman Seminar on International Conflict Analysis and Resolution is pleased to present:
Climate Change Negotiations:
What Can We Learn From the
U.S./China Agreement?
Celeste LeCompte
Nieman Fellow, co-founder of Climate Confidential,
columnist for the Robotics Business Review
Michael B. McElroy
Gilbert Butler Professor of Environmental Studies
at Harvard University
Monday, April 13, 2015
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
CGIS Building, Weatherhead Center
Room K-262
1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA
About the speakers:
Celeste LeCompte is a 2014-2015 Nieman Fellow. She also is the start-up columnist for Robotics Business Review and co-founder of Climate Confidential, an experiment in reader-funded journalism about the intersection of environmental issues and technological innovation. Previously, she was the managing editor and director of product for Gigaom Research, one of the first subscription products offered by a major blog network. Her writing has appeared in Scientific American, Smithsonian, Outside, Businessweek, and The New York Times. Her experience includes working as a researcher, product manager, and content strategist.
Michael B. McElroy is the Gilbert Butler Professor of Environmental Studies at Harvard University. He studies changes in the composition of the atmosphere with an emphasis on the impact of human activity. His research includes investigations of processes affecting the abundance of ozone in the stratosphere and factors influencing the chemical composition of the troposphere. It explores the manner in which changes in the composition of the atmosphere affect climate. His research also addresses challenges for public policy posed by the rapid pace of industrialization in developing countries such as China and India while exploring alternative strategies for more sustainable development in mature economies such as the United States.
The 2014-2015 Herbert C. Kelman Seminar on International Conflict Analysis and Resolution series is sponsored by the Program on Negotiation, the Nieman Foundation for Journalism, the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy, The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, and Boston area members of the Alliance for Peacebuilding. The theme for this year’s Kelman Seminar is “Negotiation, Conflict and the News Media”.
For more information, contact Donna Hicks at
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