Dispute Resolution at 30: Challenges and Opportunities for the Future

Event Date: Wednesday September 21, 2005
Time: 8:30-10:00am (Continental Breakfast at 8:00)
Location: Pound Hall, 2nd Floor, John Chipman Gray Room, Harvard Law School

Robert Bordone

The 2005-2006 academic year marks the 30th Anniversary of the Pound Conference at which Harvard Law School Professor Frank E.A. Sander delivered his now famous address entitled Varieties of Dispute Processing. For academics and professionals in dispute resolution, this talk marks the start of the modern ADR movement. Our field has grown and flourished since then. An entire generation of professional school students has now been exposed to problem-solving classes such as negotiation, mediation, ADR, and conflict resolution. As leadership for our field passes to a new generation, Robert Bordone will look at some of the emerging challenges and opportunities that the field faces in its next thirty years. Participants will also break into small groups to brainstorm some of the ways they can contribute to the further growth and development of the field.

Robert Bordone is the Thaddeus R. Beal Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School and Deputy Director of the Harvard Negotiation Research Project. Mr. Bordone teaches several courses at Harvard Law School, including the school’s flagship Negotiation Workshop. In addition, he is an Adjunct Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center where he teaches a course on Negotiation and Dispute Resolution.

Robert Bordone is also the co-editor with Michael Moffitt of The Handbook on Dispute Resolution, a PON book published this summer by Jossey-Bass. He will be signing copies of the book following the discussion. Copies of the book will be available for purchase at this time or via the PON Clearinghouse at www.pon.org.

Please RSVP to Kim Wright, klwright@law.harvard.edu, or by fax to (617) 495-7818.


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