Semester Mediation and Conflict Management

This highly-interactive, online course is designed to raise your awareness of your own approach to conflict, introduce a range of theories about mediation and participatory processes, and improve your conflict management skills. While we will discuss a wide range of dispute resolution processes that involve third parties, we will focus on mediation.


Mondays, September 16–November 25, 2024 | 6 to 8 p.m. ET | LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PROGRAM

Semester Mediation and Conflict Management

Instructor: David Seibel

Instructor: Dan Green

Sold Out!

Mondays, January 27–April 7, 2025 | 6 to 8 p.m. ET | LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PROGRAM

Semester Mediation and Conflict Management

Instructor: David Seibel

Instructor: Stevenson Carlebach

Register Now - Spring 2025!

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