Learn how to negotiate like a diplomat, think on your feet like an improv performer, and master job offer negotiation like a professional athlete when you download a copy of our FREE special report, Negotiation Skills: Negotiation Strategies and Negotiation Techniques to Help You Become a Better Negotiator, from the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School.

program on negotiation at harvard law school

The following items are tagged program on negotiation at harvard law school:

NEW! Harvard Mediation Intensive

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Led by mediation experts Audrey Lee and Alain Lempereur, the Harvard Mediation Intensive delves into mediation principles and processes through interactive presentations and hands-on exercises. From employment and business disagreements to public and international conflicts, you will discover effective ways to enable parties to settle their differences across a variety of contexts. … Read NEW! Harvard Mediation Intensive

Semester Negotiation and Dispute Resolution — Fall 2024

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Course Dates: Tuesdays, beginning September 24, 2024 and ending on December 10, 2024 from 6 to 8 p.m. ET (Note: There will be no class the week of November 26, 2024) Faculty: Toby Berkman and Betsy Fierman Enrollment: Register Now – Fall 2024!

This course wasn’t just theory; it was serious experience. We … Read More

Salary Negotiation: How to Negotiate Salary: Learn the Best Techniques to Help You Manage the Most Difficult Salary Negotiations and What You Need to Know When Asking for a Raise

Posted by & filed under Free Report.

Salary negotiations are often stressful and challenging. But with the right strategies, you can negotiate your employment terms with ease. In Salary Negotiation: How to Negotiate Salary: Learn the Best Techniques to Help You Manage the Most Difficult Salary Negotiations and What You Need to Know When Asking for a Raise, you’ll discover innovative ways … Read More

Negotiating the Good Friday Agreement

Posted by & filed under Conflict Resolution.

Retired US Senator George Mitchell played a critical role in negotiating the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland. In an interview with Susan Hackley, Managing Director of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, in the February 2004 Negotiation newsletter, he describes how he was able to facilitate an agreement between these long-warring parties. … Read Negotiating the Good Friday Agreement

Semester Mediation and Conflict Management – Spring 2025

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Course Dates: Mondays, beginning January 27, 2025 and ending on April 7, 2025 from 6 to 8 p.m. ET (Note: There will be no class the week of February 17, 2025) Faculty: David Seibel and Stevenson Carlebach Register Now – Spring 2025!

After years working on Wall Street and on the launch team … Read More

5 Win-Win Negotiation Strategies

Posted by & filed under Win-Win Negotiations.

Business negotiators understand the importance of reaching a win-win negotiation: when both sides are satisfied with their agreement, the odds of a long-lasting and successful business partnership are much higher. But concrete strategies for generating a win-win contract often seem elusive. The following five, from experts at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, … Read 5 Win-Win Negotiation Strategies

Semester Mediation and Conflict Management – Fall 2024

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Course Dates: Mondays, beginning September 16, 2024 and ending on November 25, 2024 from 6 to 8 p.m. ET (Note: There will be no class the week of October 14, 2024) Faculty: David Seibel and Dan Green Register Now – Fall 2024!

After years working on Wall Street and on the launch team … Read More

Semester Difficult Conversations: How To Discuss What Matters Most

Posted by & filed under PON Semester Programs, PON Seminars.

Difficult Conversations are an important part of the human experience – at times uncomfortable or painful, however, it is possible to learn how to manage a difficult conversation in a constructive way. From business partners and relationships with customers, clients, supplier and colleagues, to dynamics with family, friends, and members of our communities, the … Read More

What is the Multi-Door Courthouse Concept

Posted by & filed under International Negotiation.

As a collaboration between UST School of Law and the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, the following is the transcript of a conversation between the creator of the multi-door courthouse, Harvard Law Professor Frank E.A. Sander, and the executive director and founder of the University of St. Thomas (UST) International ADR [Alternative Dispute … Read What is the Multi-Door Courthouse Concept

Secrets of Successful Dealmaking

Posted by & filed under Harvard Negotiation Institute, Harvard Negotiation Institute (Five-Day Programs).

Course Dates: This course is closed In corporate dealmaking, much of the action happens away from the negotiating table. Successful dealmakers understand that deal set-up and design greatly influence negotiation outcomes. In this program, you will examine the legal, tactical, and structural elements of dealmaking and acquire practical skills and techniques for navigating difficult tactics and … Read Secrets of Successful Dealmaking

Business Crisis Management: Crisis Communication Examples and How to Use Police Negotiation Techniques

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In this free special report negotiation experts offers advice on how to turn crisis situations into collaborative negotiations. Throughout the report, you will discover how to apply the lessons of professional hostage negotiators, avoid disasters through careful planning, diffuse tensions with angry members of the public, and break through impasse with open communication. … Read More

Mediation Secrets for Better Business Negotiations: Top Mediator Techniques

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In this Special Report, the experts and editors from Harvard’s Program on Negotiation offer a sampling of advice from past issues of Negotiation to help you learn the techniques you need to resolve your disputes through mediation. You will learn to select the right dispute-resolution process, choose a mediator with appropriate expertise, learn the steps … Read More

Advice for Peace: Ending Civil War in Colombia

Posted by & filed under Great Negotiator Award, Pedagogy at PON, Teaching Negotiation.

Check out this freely available video of Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and his Peace Advisory Team as they discuss lessons learned from the Colombian peace process negotiations with the FARC guerrillas.   The civil war in Colombia lasted 52 years, taking the lives of at least 220,000 people and displacing up to seven million civilians. In … Read Advice for Peace: Ending Civil War in Colombia

Will You Avoid a Negotiation Impasse?

Posted by & filed under Negotiation Skills.

In the summer of 2016, Illinois became the only U.S. state in the past 80 years to go an entire year without a full operating budget, according to Reuters. It reached that dubious milestone thanks to an epic negotiation impasse between Republican governor Bruce Rauner and the Democratic-controlled state legislature. The story of the negotiation … Read Will You Avoid a Negotiation Impasse?

VIDEO: William Ury on “Getting to Yes with Yourself”

Posted by & filed under Negotiation Skills, Videos.

At the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, William Ury, a founding member of the Program on Negotiation and co-author of the seminal book Getting to Yes, spoke about his latest book, Getting to Yes with Yourself (and Other Worthy Opponents). Over 250 community members, students, and faculty members filled Austin Hall to hear Ury … Read More

We Want Your Feedback!

Posted by & filed under Teaching Negotiation.

Your opinion really matters. Please take a moment to complete our short survey. Dear TNRC Community, We want to be sure that the Teaching Negotiation Resource Center (TNRC) at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is meeting your needs. We regularly develop new role play simulations, case studies and teaching videos, as well as host pedagogy-focused … Read We Want Your Feedback!

Dear Negotiation Coach: Can Negotiation Theory Help Us Understand Our Religious Identity?

Posted by & filed under Negotiation Skills.

Negotiation theory suggests you focus on interests, not positions; separate inventing from committing; invest heavily in “What if?” questions; insist on objective criteria; and try to build nearly self-enforcing agreements. But what if the negotiation is with yourself, or about your own religious identity? For example, what does it mean to be Jewish in America? What challenges … Read More

Teaching Negotiation: Understanding The Impact Of Role-Play Simulations

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Negotiation can be challenging. And so can teaching it! At the Program on Negotiation (PON) at Harvard Law School, we help educators, scholars and practitioners like you learn how to more effectively teach negotiation. Notably, role-play simulations are a particularly useful way to facilitate experimentation and introduce participants to new dispute resolution tools, techniques and … Read More

Dear Negotiation Coach: Coordinating Teams to Get Everyone in the Same Frames

Posted by & filed under Negotiation Training.

Q: I lead a team of approximately 50 lawyers in the in-house legal department of a Fortune 500 company. As our team gets larger, reflecting the company’s growth, I’d like to install quality-control measures to ensure that all our attorneys are effectively negotiating settlements when appropriate and taking cases to trial when not. What are … Read More

Entrepreneurship and Negotiation: Call for Papers and Proposals

Posted by & filed under Pedagogy at PON, Teaching Negotiation.

The Negotiation Journal is Hosting a Virtual Conference for its Special Issue on Entrepreneurship and Negotiation While negotiation and entrepreneurship scholars have traditionally worked in different circles, their work increasingly intersects as the two fields co-evolve. Both entrepreneurship and negotiation involve dynamic, strategic, interpersonal activities that seek to create and claim some form of value.  Both … Read More

Effective Leadership Techniques: Negotiating as an Agent

Posted by & filed under Leadership Skills.

Following Joe Biden’s election as the next U.S. president, we revisit a 2014 Negotiation Briefings article, “When You’re Negotiating for Someone Else, Stay in the Deal,” about the significant role Biden negotiated for himself as vice president. As vice president to President Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017, Joe Biden worked hard to be, in his … Read More

Implement Negotiation Training in Your Organization

Posted by & filed under Negotiation Training.

Organizations across the globe spend many millions of dollars each year on negotiation training for their employees. This training can be in-house, led by consultants and other experts, or employees can travel to training programs at universities and elsewhere. After engaging in a couple of days of training, employees return to the office and attempt … Read More

Cross-Cultural Video: Negotiation Examples, Lessons And Advice From PON Faculty

Posted by & filed under Teaching Negotiation.

Do you teach negotiation to students from different cultural backgrounds? Are you teaching students how to negotiate in a cross-cultural context? Do you teach a “one world” model of negotiation; or, are there cultural variables that require changes in the basic model of negotiation that you teach? The Program On Negotiation at Harvard Law School invited … Read More

2019 Negotiation Pedagogy Conference

Posted by & filed under Pedagogy at PON, Teaching Negotiation.

Join us in Cambridge on Friday, November 15th, 2019 for a conference on excellence and innovation in teaching negotiation. The Teaching Negotiation Resource Center (TNRC) at the inter-university Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is pleased to announce that the 2019 Negotiation Pedagogy Conference will take place on Friday, November 15th, 2019 at Harvard Law … Read 2019 Negotiation Pedagogy Conference

Teaching Real Estate Negotiation: How to Identify and Create Value

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How do you teach your students to identify and create value in real estate negotiations?  Real estate negotiation can be difficult for both the buyer and the seller. Teaching real estate negotiation can involve value creation, distributive bargaining, as well as issue linkages. It is important for both buyers, sellers, and agents to identify ways to … Read More

Negotiation Case Studies: Teach By Example

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There are good negotiators and there are great ones. Once a year, the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School selects an outstanding individual who embodies what it means to be a truly great negotiator. To earn the Great Negotiator Award, the honoree must be a distinguished leader whose lifelong accomplishments in the field of dispute … Read Negotiation Case Studies: Teach By Example

Negotiation Exercises to Help Your Students Avoid Cross-Cultural Pitfalls

Posted by & filed under Teaching Negotiation.

Avoid cross-cultural misunderstandings with these negotiation exercises It’s no secret that communication and negotiation etiquette varies widely across cultures. In France, for example, it is rude to talk money over dinner, while in Brazil the American ‘A-OK’ gesture (thumb and forefinger forming a circle) can be a major insult. The increasingly diverse and global nature of business … Read More

Teach Coalition Management in Multiparty Negotiations

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Multiparty negotiations can be difficult to manage if you are unprepared for the formation of coalitions. Two-party and multiparty negotiations share some important similarities: the goal of discovering the zone of possible agreement, for example. However, there are some key differences that set them apart. As soon as the number of parties increases past two, … Read More

Negotiation Skills and Strategies at Work: Negotiating Jewish Identity

Posted by & filed under Negotiation Skills.

What does it mean to be Jewish in America? The question offers many opportunities to apply negotiation skills and strategies, writes Robert Mnookin in his new book, The Jewish American Paradox: Embracing Choice in a Changing World (PublicAffairs, 2018). The author of numerous books on negotiation, Mnookin is the Samuel Williston Professor of Law at … Read More

Most Startups Fail. But Yours Doesn’t Have To.

Posted by & filed under Business Negotiations.

We recently interviewed Samuel Dinnar—instructor at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, global entrepreneur, and strategic negotiation advisor—about his new book, Entrepreneurial Negotiation: Understanding and Managing the Relationships that Determine Your Entrepreneurial Success. In this insightful book, Dinnar and Susskind delve into the reasons why entrepreneurs fumble key negotiations—and what they can do … Read Most Startups Fail. But Yours Doesn’t Have To.

Bargaining at a Fever Pitch

Posted by & filed under Leadership Skills.

Have you ever won an auction only to realize later that you overbid for the prize? In competitive bidding situations, it’s easy to get carried away in the heat of the moment and overpay. The Boston Red Sox 2006 procurement of Japanese pitching phenomenon Daisuke “Dice-K” Matsuzaka offers a lesson in keeping cool in these … Read Bargaining at a Fever Pitch

Negotiation Training: Turning the Lows of Colorado’s Marijuana Laws into Highs

Posted by & filed under Negotiation Training.

In negotiation courses, trainees learn effective management strategies for their negotiations and how to find new negotiation opportunities at the bargaining table. Using an example from the city of Denver, Ben Markus reports for NPR’s Weekend Edition that Colorado’s recent legalization of marijuana has posed challenges to local jurisdictions in enforcing current federal law which … Read More

Bullard Houses Role-Play Simulation Helps Researchers Explore Gender Inequality

Posted by & filed under Teaching Negotiation.

In a recent Slate.com article, writer and PhD in Psychology Jane Hu described the findings of a research study by Professor Laura J. Kray, University of California, Berkeley. Kray, along with co-authors Jessica Kennedy, PhD, and Alex Van Zant, PhD, investigated the role gender played in negotiation and focused specifically on whether the stereotype of women … Read More

Arbitration vs Mediation: Using Teambuilding and ADR in Negotiation

Posted by & filed under Mediation.

During his years as George H.W. Bush’s Secretary of State, one of James A. Baker, III’s, goals was to encourage the free-market reforms that Communist Party of the Soviet Union General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev had launched in the late 1980s. One day during his tenure, a high-level Bush administration official commented in the press that … Read More

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Corporate Stakeholder Engagement and Mineral Extraction in Colombia

Posted by & filed under Dispute Resolution.

Corporations around the world are being pressed by their shareholders to do a better job of taking local concerns into account when they initiate mineral extraction projects. Indeed, both stakeholders and risk managers are demanding this. Many companies are now systematically assessing the concerns of a wide range of stakeholders and seeking to demonstrate (in … Read More

PON Faculty Daniel Shapiro Named One of the 15 Best Professors at Harvard College by the Harvard Crimson’s Fifteen Minutes Magazine

Posted by & filed under Negotiation Skills.

The Harvard Crimson’s Fifteen Minutes magazine recently honored Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School faculty member Daniel Shapiro as one of the 15 best professors at Harvard College. Director of the Harvard International Negotiation Program and Associate Professor in Psychology at Harvard Medical School, Professor Shapiro is the author of Negotiating the Nonnegotiable: How … Read More

Case Study: Teaching with a Powerful Negotiated Agreement

Posted by & filed under Teaching Negotiation.

What do a Nobel Peace Prize recipient, the CEO of an international financial advisory firm, and the former United States ambassador to the United Nations have in common? They’ve all received the Great Negotiator Award. Every year, the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School bestows this prestigious honor on distinguished leaders whose lifelong accomplishments in … Read More

On Its Head: Teaching Negotiation in a Flipped Classroom

Posted by & filed under Teaching Negotiation.

After my experience flipping this class, I came away with the following lessons: 1. Negotiation is a very suitable topic for this type of methodology. 2. This approach helps students who are audio and visual learners. 3. The in-class one-on-one time allows instructors to really work with students on specific problems and challenges. 4. Class size may present a … Read More

Fighting for Peace: Remembering Yitzhak Rabin

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Fighting for Peace: Remembering Yitzhak Rabin

with Jonathan Ben Artzi Grandson of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Ronald Heifetz Founding Director, Center for Public Leadership King Hussein bin Talal Senior Lecturer in Public Leadership Harvard Kennedy School   Monday, November 9 6-7:00 PM Malkin Penthouse Harvard Kennedy School Free and open to the public About the Event:  Twenty years ago, Israeli Prime Minister and 1993 Nobel Peace Laureate Yitzhak Rabin … Read Fighting for Peace: Remembering Yitzhak Rabin

Bridging the Religious Divide: Transforming Conflict when Emotions and Religion are at Play

Posted by & filed under Daily, Events, Middle East Negotiation Initiatives.

The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, the Harvard International Negotiation Program, and the Religions and the Practice of Peace Colloquium are pleased to host: Bridging the Religious Divide: Transforming Conflict when Emotions and Religion are at Play


Daniel L. Shapiro Director, Harvard International Negotiation Program Associate Professor of Psychology, Harvard Medical School/McLean Hospital and

Rev. Septemmy E. Lakawa Research Associate … Read More

“Negotiating at Work: Turn Small Wins into Big Gains”: A Book Talk with Deborah Kolb

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The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is pleased to present: Negotiating at Work: Turn Small Wins into Big Gains

with Deborah Kolb Professor Emerita, Simmons College School of Management Tuesday, November 17 4:00-5:15 PM Pound Hall 102 Harvard Law School Campus Free and open to the public; refreshments will be served.   About the book: Negotiation is undoubtedly essential to navigating the working world. Dr. … Read More

Negotiating the Path of Abraham: The Flip Side of the Middle East

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The Abraham Path Initiative and the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School are pleased to present:

Negotiating the Path of Abraham: The Flip Side of the Middle East

with William Ury Co-author of “Getting to Yes” and co-founder of Harvard’s Program on Negotiation  and Dave Cornthwaite, Leon McCarron, Hannah Messerli, James Sebenius, and José Filipe Torres Saturday October 10 1:30-5 PM Milstein East B, Wasserstein Hall Harvard Law School Campus Free … Read More

Identity, Culture and Conflict Resolution

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The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is pleased to host the New England Association for Conflict Resolution 2015 Fall Program: Identity, Culture and Conflict Resolution   Wednesday, October 21, 2015 UPDATED Schedule Registration –  6:30 – 7:15 pm NE-ACR Fall Program – 7:15 pm to 9:20 pm Location:   Austin Hall North, Harvard Law School Free and open to the public.

Pre-registration encouraged, … Read Identity, Culture and Conflict Resolution

New Findings in the Field of Negotiation: Session Two

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The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is pleased to present: New Findings in the Field of Negotiation: Research from the PON Graduate Research Fellows with

Arvid Bell PhD Candidate in political science at Goethe University Frankfurt and

Dana Wolf PhD candidate in public international law at American University Washington College of Law and

Todd Schenk PhD candidate in environmental policy and planning at Massachusetts Institute of Technology   Tuesday, … Read More

New Findings in the Field of Negotiation: Session One

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The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is pleased to present: New Findings in the Field of Negotiation: Research from the PON Graduate Research Fellows with

Vera Mironova PhD candidate in political science at the University of Maryland and

Abbie Wazlawek PhD candidate in management at Columbia Business School and

Boshko Stankovski PhD candidate in politics and international studies at University of Cambridge   Tuesday, April 21 12:00 – 1:30 … Read More

Analyzing the Name Dispute between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece: Twenty Years after the Interim Agreement

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The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is proud to present Analyzing the Name Dispute between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece: Twenty Years after the Interim Agreement  with

Mr. Matthew Nimetz Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and

Dr. Daniel Serwer Senior Research Professor of Conflict Management Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and

Mr. Boshko Stankovski

Graduate Research Fellow, Program … Read More

New Perspectives on Large-Scale Systems Change

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The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is pleased to present New Perspectives on Large-Scale Systems Change with 

Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld Professor, School of Labor and Employment Relations (LER) at the University of Illinois Thursday, April 23 12:15 – 1:30 pm Wasserstein Hall Room B010 (Basement level) Harvard Law School   About the talk: Broad societal challenges, such as global climate change, industrial revitalization, and personalized medicine … Read New Perspectives on Large-Scale Systems Change

Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives on ADR: Past, Present, and Future

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The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is pleased to present: Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives on ADR: Past, Present, and Future with

Dr. Paola Cecchi-Dimeglio Editor, Interdisciplinary Handbook of Dispute Resolution

Wednesday, April 15, 2015 12:00 – 1:30PM Pound Hall 102 Harvard Law School campus Free and open to the public.  A non-pizza lunch will be provided.  About the Book:  Over the last three decades, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) … Read More

Voices of Syria: Opinions of civilians and fighters of the Syrian civil war

Posted by & filed under Daily, Events, Middle East Negotiation Initiatives.

The Middle East Negotiation Initiative of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School  is pleased to present Voices of Syria: Opinions of civilians and fighters of the Syrian civil war

with Ms. Vera Mironova Graduate Research Fellow, Program on Negotiation and

Sadik Al Azm Emeritus Professor of Modern European Philosophy University of Damascus and

Motaz Hadaya former Political Specialist with the U.S. Embassy in Syria Moderated by Professor Robert … Read More

“Making Conflict Work”: A Book Talk with Dr. Peter Coleman

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The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is pleased to present: Making Conflict Work: Harnessing the Power of Disagreement with Dr. Peter Coleman  

Thursday, April 9 12:00 – 1:15 PM Hauser 102 Harvard Law School Campus Free and open to the public.   About the book: Work conflict is risky. It can go bad and poison employee health, work relationships and organizational climates, or … Read More

A Paradigm Shift for Israeli – Palestinian Negotiations

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The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is pleased to present A Paradigm Shift for Israeli – Palestinian Negotiations with

Dr. Mohammad Shtayyeh Minister, Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction former Member, Palestinian Delegation to the final status talks with Israel   Moderated by Professor Robert H. Mnookin Samuel Williston Professor of Law Chair, Program on Negotiation Harvard Law School   Wednesday, March 25 4:00 pm – 5:30 … Read More

The Christmas Truce and Flanders Peace Field Project

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The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School and the Center for European Studies are pleased to co-sponsor:  

The Christmas Truce and Flanders Peace Field Project


Don Mullan  Journalist/Author and Humanitarian;  Associate Chair, UNESCO Global Youth Program   Monday, March 23, 2015 2:15 PM – 4:00 PM Cabot Room, Busch Hall Harvard University

Free and open to the public.   About the Event: This lecture by Irish journalist and author Don Mullan … Read More

Reflections of a Mediator: Preventive Diplomacy in an Age of Conflict

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The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is pleased to present: Reflections of a Mediator: Preventive Diplomacy in an Age of Conflict with

Dr. Johnston Barkat Assistant Secretary-General United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services  

Tuesday, April 7, 2015 12:15 – 1:30PM Pound Hall 100 Harvard Law School campus Free and open to the public.  A non-pizza lunch will be provided.   About the Speaker: Dr. Johnston Barkat is the Assistant Secretary-General heading … Read More

Student Opportunity: Harvard International Negotiation Crisis Simulation

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The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, the Gleitsman Program for Leadership on Social Change at the Center for Public Leadership, the Harvard Kennedy School Negotiation Project, and the Belfer Center’s Future of Diplomacy Project are pleased to announce: Registration Is Now Open for the 1st Annual Harvard International Negotiation Crisis Simulation

  Application: Undergraduates, graduates, and PhD students from … Read More

50th Anniversary of A Behavioral Theory of Labor Negotiations

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The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School invites you to join us for A 50th Anniversary Celebration of A Behavioral Theory of Labor Negotiations with Robert B. McKersie and Richard E. Walton  A live webcast of this event will be available for viewing at  http://media.fas.harvard.edu/core/live/hls-live.html

Thursday, March 5, 2015 12:00 p.m. Registration opens 1:00  – 5:30 p.m. Program 5:30-6:30 p.m. Reception Wasserstein … Read More

James Baker: The Man Who Made Washington Work

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The PON Film Series is pleased to present: James Baker: The Man Who Made Washington Work

Join us for a screening and discussion with writer and director Eric Stange, moderated by Professor James Sebenius, Harvard Business School   Wednesday, March 11, 2015 7:00 PM Langdell Hall South, Harvard Law School Free admission; public welcome. Refreshments will be served.   About the film: Narrated by Tom Brokaw, James … Read James Baker: The Man Who Made Washington Work

Teaching Negotiation: A Symposium On Excellence & Innovation For Teachers & Trainers

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This program is designed for anyone who teaches negotiation, dispute resolution, or conflict analysis across any field (e.g., law, business, international relations, social work, peace studies, public policy, urban planning, environmental studies, and engineering). Negotiation trainers who provide on-site or online training to business or community clients should also attend so they can evaluate potential new … Read More

Negotiating Nuclear Non-Proliferation: Lessons from the Field

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The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is pleased to present Negotiating Nuclear Non-Proliferation: Lessons from the Field with Laura Rockwood Senior Research Fellow Managing the Atom Project, Harvard Kennedy School

Friday, February 20, 2015 12:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Wasserstein Hall, Room 1015 Harvard Law School Campus  This event is free and open to the public. Please bring your own lunch; drinks and dessert … Read More

Responding to the Conflict in Syria: An Insider’s Perspective

Posted by & filed under Events, International Negotiation.

The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School and the Herbert C. Kelman Seminar on International Conflict Analysis and Resolution are pleased to co-present: Responding to the Conflict in Syria: An Insider’s Perspective

with Dr. Amro Taleb

Wednesday, January 28 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. Wasserstein Hall Room B10 (Basement Level) Harvard Law School campus About the Speaker: Dr. Amro Taleb is a Syrian and Canadian citizen … Read More

Harvard Programs Host Discussion on “Why Is It Hard to Talk About War? Bridging the Civilian – Military Divide” with Congressman-Elect Seth Moulton and PON Managing Director Susan Hackley

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On December 8, 2014, Congressman-Elect Seth Moulton and Managing Director Susan Hackley co-presented at Harvard’s Herbert C. Kelman Seminar on International Conflict Analysis and Resolution. This seminar series is sponsored by the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, the Nieman Foundation for Journalism, the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy, The Weatherhead … Read More

A Perspective on the Colombian Peace Process

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The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School and the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies are pleased to co-present: A Perspective on the Colombian Peace Process   with   Dr. Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado Inspector General of Colombia Procurador General  de la Nación   Friday, December 5th 12:00 – 1:00 PM Milstein East, Wasserstein Hall Harvard Law School Campus  Free and open to the public.   Please bring your … Read A Perspective on the Colombian Peace Process

Centrism in the Middle East: Myth or Method

Posted by & filed under Events, International Negotiation.

The Harvard International Negotiation Program, the Harvard Global Health Institute and the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School are pleased to co-present:

Centrism in the Middle East: Myth or Method Distinguished Lecture by Najib A. Mikati former Prime Minister of Lebanon with opening remarks by Daniel L. Shapiro Founder and Director, Harvard International Negotiation Program Monday, November 24 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. Austin Hall, Room … Read Centrism in the Middle East: Myth or Method

Stay “in the deal”

Posted by & filed under Business Negotiations.

As Joe Biden tells it, he never wanted to be vice president. When Barack Obama asked him to consider being vetted as his running mate, Biden declined. Traditionally, the vice presidency was a largely ceremonial position removed from the center of power. Though recent VPs, most notably Dick Cheney, had changed that, Biden, as a longtime … Read Stay “in the deal”

Hong Kong Lawyer Benny Tai Inspired by Harvard Negotiation Project Authors

Posted by & filed under Teaching Negotiation.

The Harvard Negotiation Project was recently mentioned in the Wall Street Journal by David Feith in his interview with Benny Tai, “China’s New Freedom Fighters.” Benny Tai, a 49 year old lawyer who has been branded an “enemy of the state,” founded Occupy Central with Love and Peace, a group that promotes civil disobedience in order … Read More

Program on Negotiation to honor Ambassador Tommy Koh as 2014 Great Negotiator

Posted by & filed under International Negotiation.

Join us for a conversation with Ambassador Tommy Koh of Singapore, the recipient of the 2014 Great Negotiator Award. This public program will feature panel discussions with Ambassador Koh and faculty from the Program on Negotiation and the Future of Diplomacy Project. The award recognizes Ambassador Koh for his work as chief negotiator for the … Read More

The Program on Negotiation’s MIT-Harvard Public Disputes Program Releases “Collaborative Approaches to Environmental Decision-Making” Case Studies

Posted by & filed under Conflict Resolution, MIT-Harvard Public Disputes Program.

The MIT-Harvard Public Disputes Program, one of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School’s many research programs, acts as a center for research committed to thinking about and resolving disputes in the public sector. Led by its Director and Program on Negotiation executive committee member Lawrence Susskind, the MIT-Harvard Public Disputes Program conducts research … Read More

Program on Negotiation Faculty On How To End the US Government Shutdown

Posted by & filed under Conflict Resolution.

The Washington Post’s “On Leadership” column by Jenna McGregor asked renowned negotiation experts on how the government shutdown in Washington, DC could be ended at the bargaining table. Among the experts interviewed were Robert Mnookin, Chair of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School (PON) and author of Bargaining With The Devil: When To Negotiate, … Read More

The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School: Three Decades of Scholarship and Practice

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Founded in 1983, the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is a pioneer in the fields of negotiation, mediation, and alternative dispute resolution. In commemoration of the program’s 30th anniversary this year, the Program on Negotiation is proud to present a video describing many of PON’s various educational and research activities. According to Chair Robert Mnookin, … Read More

PON panel discusses Track II Negotiations, Islands of Coordination and Unilateral Moves in the New Middle East

Posted by & filed under International Negotiation, Middle East Negotiation Initiatives, Videos.

On March 4th, the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School hosted a panel discussion entitled: “Negotiations by Other Means: Track II, Unilateral Action, Robust Third Party Role and Islands of Coordination in the New Middle East.”    

  The panel featured three veterans of high profile Israeli-Palestinian diplomacy: Ambassador Dore Gold, President of the Jerusalem Center for … Read More

Social Perceptions at the Crossroads: Why Sex (Still) Impacts the Perception and Evaluation of Other Status-Linked Identities

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On November 1, 2012, Professor Kerri Johnson from the University of California, Los Angeles, delivered a talk at the Harvard Kennedy School. Her lecture, entitled “Social Perceptions at the Crossroads: Why Sex (Still) Impacts the Perception and Evaluation of Other Status-Linked Identities,” was part of a year-long research seminar co-sponsored by the Program on Negotiation … Read More

Israeli Settlement Withdrawal: Negotiation lessons from the past, and planning for the future

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This presentation by Karen Lee Bar-Sinai and Prof. Robert Mnookin is the fourth seminar exploring the role of urban planning in negotiation, co-sponsored by the Middle East Negotiation Initiative (MENI) at the Program on Negotiation and the Harvard Graduate School of Design. … Read More

PON Film Series Event: My Neighbourhood Screening with Julia Bacha, Just Vision

Posted by & filed under International Negotiation, Middle East Negotiation Initiatives, PON Film Series.

The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School and the Middle East Initiative at the Harvard Kennedy School are pleased to present a screening of “My Neighborhood,” a new Just Vision documentary. A panel discussion will be held after the screening with Julia Bacha, director/producer of My Neighbourhood. … Read More

PON co-sponsors negotiation skills training for Israeli and Palestinian students

Posted by & filed under Middle East Negotiation Initiatives, Negotiation Skills, Videos.

Thanks to leadership from the Middle East Negotiation Initiative (MENI) of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, a series of negotiation skills trainings was recently provided to eleventh grade students from Jewish and Arab schools in Israel.  These two-day workshops, co-sponsored by the Program on Negotiation and the Amal Network and funded by … Read More

Training for Non-Face-to-Face Negotiations

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Negotiating by email poses a set of challenges that one doesn’t often encounter in face-to-face negotiations. Without the benefit of seeing your counterpart’s body language, what one person might intend to be a straightforward request the other might perceive to be rude. A legitimate delay responding to an email offer by one party might be construed … Read Training for Non-Face-to-Face Negotiations

The Program on Negotiation Mourns the Loss of Co-Founder Roger Fisher

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Roger Fisher, co-founder of the Program on Negotiation and the Harvard Negotiation Project, died on August 25 at age 90. A true pioneer and leader, he helped launch a new way of thinking about negotiation, and he worked tirelessly to help people deal productively with conflict. “Through his writing and teaching, Roger Fisher’s seminal contributions literally … Read More

Great Negotiator Award 2012

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The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, in conjunction with the Future of Diplomacy Project at Harvard Kennedy School, honored distinguished statesman and former Secretary of State James A. Baker III as the recipient of their Great Negotiator Award for 2012. Secretary Baker served under President George H.W. Bush from 1989 to 1992. A … Read Great Negotiator Award 2012

Yemeni Activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Tawakkol Karman to speak at Harvard

Posted by & filed under Awards, Grants, and Fellowships, Conflict Resolution, Events, Middle East Negotiation Initiatives, Student Events.

The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, in partnership with The Center for Public Leadership and the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School

invites the public to an address by

Tawakkol Karman Nobel Peace Prize Co-recipient, 2011 Yemeni Political Activist and Journalist

When: Thursday, June 7, 2012

Time: 6 p.m.

Where: Institute of Politics Forum, Harvard Kennedy School Free and open … Read More

Frank Sander Honored at American Bar Association 14th Annual Spring Conference

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With beautiful weather outside and the cherry blossom season in full bloom, over 1000 attendees filled the American Bar Association Dispute Resolution Section’s conference halls as it held its 14th annual conference in Washington, D.C. On Saturday, April 21, the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution honored Frank Sander, A.B., LL.B., Bussey Professor of Law Emeritus and … Read More

2012 Great Negotiator Award event will honor former Secretary of State James A. Baker, III on March 29th

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The Program on Negotiation (PON) at Harvard Law School and the Future of Diplomacy Project at Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) will jointly honor former U.S. Secretary of State James A. Baker, III with the 2012 Great Negotiator Award on Thursday, March 29, 2012, at the Ames Courtroom, Austin Hall, Harvard Law School. The Great Negotiator Award … Read More

PON faculty member Daniel Shapiro takes part in panel discussion reflecting on the World Economic Forum

Posted by & filed under Conflict Resolution, Daily, International Negotiation, Middle East Negotiation Initiatives.

In a panel discussion on February 3 at the Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard faculty members shared their reflections on this year’s annual summit of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.  Panelists included Dr. Daniel Shapiro of the Harvard Negotiation Project, as well as Kennedy School faculty Charles W. Eliot … Read More

PON faculty member leads Water Diplomacy Workshop

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This summer, senior Arab and Israeli water negotiators and policymakers will convene in Cambridge, Massachusetts, along with individuals from more than 15 other countries to participate in the Water Diplomacy Workshop (www.waterdiplomacy.org) — a highly interactive, train-the-trainer program designed to help senior water managers improve their capacity to resolve complex water disputes.  The initiative is … Read PON faculty member leads Water Diplomacy Workshop

Professor Susskind talks negotiation obstacles

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Q&A with Professor Susskind, MIT’s Ford Professor of Urban and Environmental Planning, and Vice Chair of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School Q: You’ve taught for years about overcoming organizational obstacles. What are the most common roadblocks to effective negotiations? Typically, obstacles occur at all four stages of the negotiation process. First is the preparation … Read Professor Susskind talks negotiation obstacles

The Gilad Shalit-Palestinian prisoners exchange: the process, deal and implications

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The Middle East Negotiation Initiative at PON invites you to a panel discussion on The Gilad Shalit-Palestinian prisoners exchange: the process, deal and implications November 7, 2011 • 12:15 – 2 p.m. Pound 100 • Harvard Law School Please bring your lunch. Drinks and cookies will be served. PANELISTS Robert H. Mnookin is the Samuel Williston Professor of Law at Harvard … Read More

The Art of Negotiation

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The Art of Negotiation Moved to Pound Hall 101 on the HLS Campus October 18, 2011 7:30 pm Free and open to the public Please join world-renowned artist Romero Britto as he unveils a series of paintings produced in collaboration with Professor Daniel Shapiro and Harvard College students.   Each painting illustrates a key aspect to address the emotional dimension of … Read The Art of Negotiation

Bye Bye Belgium?

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The New York Times Co-authored by Robert Mnookin (Samuel Williston Professor of Law, Harvard Law School; Chair, Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School) and Alain Verbeke Belgium’s days as a united nation may be numbered. In this 2006 piece, the authors summarize the conflicts that divide the country and offer an ironic prediction that every negotiator … Read Bye Bye Belgium?

Norwegian Foreign Minister visits PON

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On December 6, 2010, faculty and associates from the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School met at a private lunch with Norway’s Foreign Minister, Jonas Gahr Store, and the ambassador of Norway to the U.S., Wegger Chr. Strommen. At the meeting, the Foreign Minister described how he helped bring decades of negotiation with the … Read Norwegian Foreign Minister visits PON

How and When to Negotiate with an Adversary

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Robert Mnookin (Samuel Williston Professor of Law; Harvard Law School; Chair, Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School; author of “Bargaining with the Devil”; co-author of “Beyond Winning”) What factors determine whether you should negotiate? What things influence the bargaining process? Should you negotiate with your “enemy”? If so, how? In this piece, Robert Mnookin draws … Read How and When to Negotiate with an Adversary

The Economy’s Looking Up: So, Can I Have a Raise?

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Author: Sue Shellenbarger It’s never easy to ask for a raise or extra perks, especially during a recession. To make matters worse, many workers have trouble negotiating a new compensation package on their own behalf. In this column, Iris Bohnet, a public policy professor and vice chair of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, … Read The Economy’s Looking Up: So, Can I Have a Raise?

Leadership and Cooperation: A Special Lecture by Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago

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Leadership and Cooperation: A Special Lecture by Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Date: November 9, 2010, 5:00 pm-6:30 pm Location: Austin East, Harvard Law School campus On May 26, 2010, Kamla Persad-Bissessar made history when she was sworn in as the first female Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago. She was recently named one … Read More

Negotiating the Gulf Disaster with Larry Susskind

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Soap Box: Negotiating the Gulf Disaster Tuesday, September 26, 2010 Speaker: Larry Susskind Time: 6:00p–7:30p Location: N52, MIT Museum Soap Box: The Gulf Oil Spill & Its Consequences The MIT Museum sponsors a series of salon-style, early-evening  conversations with cutting-edge scientists and engineers who are making the news that really matters. Larry Susskind, MIT’s Ford Professor of Urban Studies and Planning, and … Read Negotiating the Gulf Disaster with Larry Susskind

Former President Martti Ahtisaari honored with Great Negotiator Award!

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The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School Will Honor Former President of Finland Martti Ahtisaari with the 2010 Great Negotiator Award Co-sponsored with the Future of Diplomacy Project at the Harvard Kennedy School, the Great Negotiator Event Offers Real-World Negotiation Discussion to All Students For Immediate Release CAMBRIDGE, MA (September 21,  2010) The Program on Negotiation … Read More

Great Negotiator Schedule Announced

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Drafts of the case studies of President Martti Ahtisaari’s work in Aceh and Kosovo are available for review in order to prepare for this year’s Great Negotiator discussion. A Nobel Peace Prize recipient (2008) and former President of Finland (1994-2000), Martti Ahtisaari will be honored with the 2010 Great Negotiator Award by the Program on Negotiation … Read Great Negotiator Schedule Announced

Shakespeare and Negotiation

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“Shakespeare and Negotiation”

with Leo Smyth A not-too-serious concoction of Readings and Reflections on some Shakespearean ideas about the handling of disputes.

Date: September 21, 2010

Time: 12:00PM to 1:00PM Where: Pound Hall, Room 512, Harvard Law School Campus Bring your lunch. Drinks and dessert will be served. Click here for a campus map. Speaker Bio Leo Smyth obtained his Master’s degree in psychology … Read Shakespeare and Negotiation

The 2010 Great Negotiator

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On September 27, 2010, Nobel Peace Prize recipient (2008) and former President of Finland (1994-2000) Martti Ahtisaari will be honored with the 2010 Great Negotiator Award by the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School and the Future of Diplomacy Project. Martti Ahtisaari will participate in a faculty led discussion in Spangler Auditorium at Harvard … Read The 2010 Great Negotiator

Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Federal Government: What’s up at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and elsewhere?

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The PON Dispute Resolution Forum and the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program Present: Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Federal Government: What’s up at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and elsewhere? with Deborah Osborne, Group Manager, Dispute Resolution Service, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Thursday, March 4, 2010 8:00AM Breakfast 8:30AM Talk Pound Hall, Room 335, Harvard Law School Campus How are ADR principles applied … Read More

Bargaining with the Devil

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Professor Robert Mnookin, Chair of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, published an article for the Foreign Policy online magazine this week based on his new book, “Bargaining with the Devil:  When to Negotiate, When to Fight.” The article discusses how President Obama should deal with the evils he is confronted with. Click here … Read Bargaining with the Devil

PON saddened by the death of artist and Great Negotiator, Jeanne-Claude

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“The Program on Negotiation is deeply saddened to learn of the death of Jeanne-Claude, half of the dynamic and brilliant artistic partnership of Christo and Jeanne-Claude,” commented Robert H. Mnookin, Chair of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. “In September 2008, we honored Christo and Jeanne-Claude as the Program on Negotiation’s “Great Negotiators”. … Read More

Boston Globe highlights mediation trainings for Iraqis

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“The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is a renowned source of expertise in the field,” reported the Boston Globe today in its story, “Iraq latest crucible for Harvard mediation.” Reporting on the work done by conflict resolution professionals at Conflict Management Group in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the report notes that “The blood not spilled … Read More

Program on Negotiation saddened by the loss of 2007 Great Negotiator, Bruce Wasserstein

Posted by & filed under Daily, Great Negotiator Award, News.

The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School was saddened to learn of the death of Bruce Wasserstein, PON’s 2007 Great Negotiator. The Great Negotiator Award is  given to recognize an individual whose lifetime achievements in the field of negotiation and dispute resolution have had a significant and lasting impact. Wasserstein, Chairman and CEO of  … Read More

Gender in Negotiation and Decision Making Research Seminar

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The research seminar on Gender in Negotiation and Decision Making is jointly sponsored by the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School and the Women and Public Policy Program at Harvard Kennedy School. Michael Morris is the Chavkin-Chang Professor of Leadership in the Columbia Business School as well as a Professor in the Psychology Department … Read More

“In the Global Village, Can War Survive?”

Posted by & filed under Daily, Events, The Kelman Seminar.

The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University announces the theme for this year’s Herbert C. Kelman Seminar on Negotiation, Conflict, and the News Media.  The 2009-2010 theme is “Reconciliation: Coming together after the shooting stops” The first seminar will be Tuesday, September 15, 2009. Title:  “In the Global Village, Can War Survive?” Speakers:  Susan Hackley, Managing … Read “In the Global Village, Can War Survive?”

Mnookin Calls for Mediation

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In an interview with the Boston Globe, Professor Robert H. Mnookin, Chair of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, responds to the national debate on the arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Lewis Gates, Jr.. Mnookin calls for mediation to resolve the conflict between Prof. Gates and the arresting officer. Click here to read … Read Mnookin Calls for Mediation

Mediation Pedagogy Conference

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Registration is now closed for the NP@PON Mediation Pedagogy Conference. Professors Lawrence Susskind (MIT) and Michael Wheeler (Harvard Business School) are pleased to announce a Mediation Pedagogy Conference to be held by Negotiation Pedagogy at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School (NP@PON). This two-day Conference will be held Friday, May 15 and Saturday, May … Read Mediation Pedagogy Conference

PON’s New Website

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Welcome to the new website for the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School! As we come fully online, we welcome your comments and patience as we finish launching the new site. We hope to be a resource for you by providing comprehensive information on all aspects of negotiation and conflict management through our research, … Read PON’s New Website

Conflict Management in South Asia: A Discussion of Mercy Corps CMG’s Programs in the Region

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Dr. Rebecca Wolfe is a Senior Program Officer with Mercy Corps Conflict Management Group. She is responsible for developing and implementing conflict management programs, including writing proposals, designing assessments, conducting evaluations and designing and delivering trainings. Since joining Mercy Corps, she has spent the majority of her time working in Asia, including Sri Lanka, Nepal, … Read More

Brahimi Receives 2002 Great Negotiator Award

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Ambassador Lakhdar Brahimi (middle) with James Sebenius (left) and Jeswald Salacuse at Harvard Business School on October 2, 2002

The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2002 Great Negotiator Award is Ambassador Lakhdar Brahimi, the United Nations Secretary General’s Special Envoy to Afghanistan. Ambassador Brahimi is a … Read Brahimi Receives 2002 Great Negotiator Award

George Mitchell Recieves First Great Negotiator Award

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On April 7, 2000, the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School honored former U.S. Sen. George Mitchell with the first Great Negotiator Award. Mitchell was recognized for his role as a master coalition builder at home and abroad. Under his leadership the governments of Ireland and the United Kingdom and the political parties of … Read More