Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Federal Government: What’s up at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and elsewhere?

Event Date: Thursday March 4, 2010
Time: 8:00AM Breakfast 8:30AM Talk
Location: Pound Hall Room 335 (Third Floor), Harvard Law School Campus

The PON Dispute Resolution Forum and the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program Present:

Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Federal Government:

What’s up at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and elsewhere?


Deborah Osborne,

Group Manager, Dispute Resolution Service, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Thursday, March 4, 2010

8:00AM Breakfast

8:30AM Talk

Pound Hall, Room 335, Harvard Law School Campus

How are ADR principles applied in a federal government setting? What are hot topics facing federal ADR practitioners today? How do the Obama Administration’s memoranda on open and collaborative governance impact the work of ADR practitioners to foster better communication and collaboration? Hear more about these broad topics of interest and, more specifically, about one federal agency ADR unit’s first decade of operation preventing and resolving energy conflicts. This event will be hosted in partnership with the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program.

Speaker Bio

Deborah is certified in mediation from Pepperdine University’s Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution. She has taken negotiation and advanced negotiation courses at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, and commercial mediation from Northern Virginia Mediation Service. She holds graduate and undergraduate degrees in Anthropology from the George Washington University and Temple University, respectively

Deborah has mediated well over 100 cases involving two and multi-party interests, many leading to multimillion dollar energy settlements and cost-savings to all involved. She has over 250 hours of conflict resolution training and voluntarily mediates cases in Virginia’s General District Courts in Alexandria.

She is grateful to be involved in an ongoing partnership study on energy ADR with the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program.

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