Street Level Negotiations: City Governance and Ethnic Tension in Amsterdam

Event Date: Wednesday May 18, 2005
Time: 8:30 - 11:30 A.M. (8:00 A.M. Continental Breakfast)
Location: Pound Hall, 2nd Floor, John Chipman Gray Room, Harvard Law School

David Laws

Continental Breakfast at 8:00
Peervision Case Conference: 8:30-9:45am

MIT Lecturer David Laws will discuss his ongoing work in Amsterdam where he has worked closely with city leaders to promote dialogue and ease ethnic tensions. This will be an interactive presentation with Dr. Laws soliciting insight and suggestions from the audience on how best to use negotiation skills to address growing ethnic tensions in the Netherlands.

David Laws is a Lecturer in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT where he received his Ph.D. His research investigates how questions of value, such as intergenerational fairness, may be approached through negotiation.

Prior to Dr. Laws’ talk will be a Peervision case with Jay Uhler. Jay’s presentation, “What I Have Learned in the Dispute Resolution Forum and Was Not Afraid to Ask,” will be followed by an exercise for participants and an open discussion on what others have learned. This is Jay’s final session as facilitator/supervisor of the Peervision Case Conference. He has organized it since its inception five and a half years ago.

Jay Uhler is an Organizational and Clinical Psychologist, Ordained Minister, a Consultant, Professional Speaker, and author of the book and CD How to Make Friends With Your Feelings. He is the President of Catalyst World-Wide located in North Andover, MA.

Please RSVP to Kim Wright,, or by fax to (617) 495-7818.

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