New Findings in the Field of Negotiation: Timothy McDonald and Jungwoo Chun

Event Date: Tuesday October 18, 2022
Time: 12:00 - 1:15 PM
Location: Zoom link

The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School is pleased to present:

PON Live!

New Findings in the Field of Negotiation:
Research from the PON Graduate Research Fellows

(This event was not recorded.)

A virtual talk with:

Timothy McDonald
Visiting Researcher, PON
Graduate Fellow, Pardee RAND Graduate School


Jungwoo Chun
Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Lecturer
Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Climate and Sustainability Consortium
Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Tuesday, October 18, 2022
12:00 – 1:15 PM

Free and open to the public

About the Talks:

Each year, the Program on Negotiation welcomes a group of outstanding doctoral students as PON Graduate Research Fellows. Our Fellows spend a year at PON researching and writing about current topics in the fields of negotiation and mediation, with the goal of publishing their work after their time at PON. Fellows go on to successful careers in academia, the legal and corporate worlds, as well as the public sector.

This talk provides an opportunity for two of last year’s Graduate Research Fellows to share and discuss their research findings with the negotiation community.

Timothy McDonald will present his research “Finding the Negotiation Opportunities in Disruption.”

Jungwoo Chun will present his research “New Roles for Intermediaries: The Case of Community-owned Solar Energy Development.”

About the Speakers:

Tim McDonald is a Graduate Fellow at the Pardee RAND Graduate School, and an Assistant Policy Researcher at the RAND Corporation. His research focuses on helping leaders respond to disruption by developing and implementing strategy to address the systemic drivers of societal challenges. This includes developing methodological approaches to strategy and negotiation, and applying the methods to specific domains.

He has contributed to analyses in national security, strategic competition, and the design of economic, education, and health systems. He is a co-principal investigator of a research program in consumer-driven health system reform, and at RAND he co-facilitates the Initiative on System Transformation. His research has been published in the American Journal of Health Economics, American Journal of Managed CareJournal of Policy and Complex Systems, and in RAND research reports on systems analysis, decision making under deep uncertainty, strategic competition, and national security. He holds an M.P.P. in business and government from the Harvard Kennedy School, and a B.A. in political science from Hamline University.

Jungwoo Chun, Ph.D. Candidate in the MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning and Director of the MIT Cybersecurity Clinic, studies the role of intermediaries in mobilizing public interest technologies – focusing on energy, transport, and IT. His dissertation centers around conflict management in renewable energy development, more specifically, the various roles that intermediaries of different kinds can play in resolving “siting disputes”. He is a graduate instructor for a variety of courses on negotiation, environmental policy & planning, and water diplomacy. He is a lecturer and an organizing committee member of the BLOXHUB Summer School on Urban Resilience. Before joining MIT, he worked for various international organizations, designing governance frameworks and negotiating with multiple stakeholders on topics related to international waters and energy resources. He holds an M.A. in Law and Diplomacy from The Fletcher School at Tufts University and a B.A. and M.A. in International Studies from Korea University.

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