“Taking stock of Cambodia 20 years after the Paris Peace Agreement”

Event Date: Tuesday February 1, 2011
Time: 4:00PM to 6:00PM
Location: CGIS Building, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, 1737 Cambridge Street, Room N-262

“Taking stock of Cambodia 20 years after the Paris Peace Agreement”


Kevin Doyle


Stephen Marks

Date: February 1, 2011

Time: 4:00-6:00 PM

Where: CGIS Building, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs,

1737 Cambridge Street, Room N-262, Cambridge MA

Contact Chair: Donna Hicks (dhicks@wcfia.harvard.edu).

Speaker Bios

Kevin Doyle is the editor-in-chief of The Cambodia Daily newspaper in Phnom Penh where he has lived for more than 13 years. The first English-language daily newspaper in Cambodia, The Cambodia Daily is a not-for-profit publication dedicated to strengthening a free press and training a new generation of Cambodian journalists. Kevin has been arrested in pursuit of his work in Cambodia and, most recently, convicted on charges of defamation in 2009 for publishing the comments of a member of the country’s opposition party that were critical of senior military officials. Prior to his appointment as editor-in-chief, Kevin worked for Reuters news agency in Phnom Penh and has written on Cambodia for TIME Magazine and several other international publications. A graduate of the MA in journalism course at Dublin City University, Ireland, Kevin is currently a 2011 Nieman fellow at Harvard.

Stephen Marks is the François-Xavier Bagnoud Professor of Health and Human Rights at the Harvard School of Public Health and Senior Fellow at the University Committee on Human Rights Studies.  His research focuses on the interface of health and human rights, drawing on the disciplines of international law, international politics, international organizations, and international economics.
Professor Marks’s recent research has focused on integrating human rights into sustainable human development; biotechnology and human rights; impunity for mass atrocities; terrorism and human rights; cultural rights; tobacco control; and human rights education. He has published recent books, articles or book chapters in each of these areas. He directs Harvard Series on Health and Human Rights at Harvard University Press. He recently co-edited a book on Development as a Human Right: Legal, Political and Economic Dimensions and a reader on Perspectives on Health and Human Rights, will be published in its second edition in 2010.  In his capacity as Senior Fellow at the University Committee on Human Rights Studies, he has developed a strategy for human rights learning in Harvard College in collaboration with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and is teaching two courses in the college as part of the expanded human rights curriculum.

About the Herbert C. Kelman Seminar Series

The 2010-2011 Herbert C. Kelman Seminar on International Conflict Analysis and Resolution series is sponsored by the Program on Negotiation, the Nieman Foundation for Journalism, the Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy, The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, and Boston area members of the Alliance for Peacebuilding. The theme for this year’s Kelman Seminar is “Negotiation, Conflict and the News Media”.

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