Mediation and Your Career: Jobs as a Mediator and Marketing Your Mediation Skills Everywhere Else

Event Date: Wednesday March 31, 2010
Time: 12:00pm
Location: Pound Hall, Room 332

PON and the Harvard Mediation Program Present:

Mediation and Your Career:
Jobs as a Mediator and Marketing Your Mediation Skills Everywhere Else

Wednesday, March 31st
Pound 332, Harvard Law School

Join us for a lunchtime discussion with mediation professionals and other area ADR practitioners about the ways in which they apply their mediation skills in their day-to-day jobs. This lunch will provide ample opportunities for questions.

Everyone is welcome to attend.
Please bring your lunch. Drinks and dessert will be served.

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The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School
501 Pound Hall
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Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
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