Mediation 101: A Practical Introduction to Personal and Professional Mediation

Event Date: Thursday February 11, 2010
Time: 12:10pm
Location: Pound Hall, Room 335

PON and the Harvard Mediation Program Present:

Mediation 101: A Practical Introduction to Personal and Professional Mediation

with Titus Lin and Brent Lanoue,
External Training Directors for the Harvard Mediation Program

Join us for an introduction to the field of mediation. Trainers from the Harvard Mediation Program will describe what mediation is, its benefits, and how mediation fits into the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution. The speakers will cover key mediation skills and their real world practical applications. Information about future training opportunities for students will also be presented.

This event is open to all Boston area students.

Drinks and dessert will be served.

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The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School
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Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
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