International Law Workshop

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International Law Workshop

William Alford
Gabriella Blum

This class is intended to provide students with the opportunity to engage scholarly writing in international law, by bringing to the workshop authors of some of the most interesting new work in this field. Generally, our speakers will present work in progress. Students will be required to submit brief “reflection” pieces commenting on the papers to be discussed and will also have the opportunity to engage in dialogue with our guests. Some sessions will be reserved for meetings for enrolled students and the instructor.

There are no prerequisites but the workshop is principally intended for students who are thinking about a career in academe.

Everyone wishing to take this course — including those on any waiting list or considering adding it – MUST attend the first session. If you are on the waitlist and do not attend the first session, you will not be able to add into this course.


The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School
501 Pound Hall
1563 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
tel 1-800-391-8629
tel (if calling from outside the U.S.) +1-301-528-2676
fax 617-495-7818