International Business Arbitration

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International Business Arbitration

FALL 2012
William W. Park

Legal dimensions of international business dispute resolution through binding arbitration. Treaty framework for determining validity of arbitration agreement and for recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards (New York Convention, Panama Convention, Washington Convention). Comparative approach (French, English, Swiss, and U.S. legal systems) to the influence of national law on international arbitration. UNCITRAL Model Law. NAFTA Chapter 11 and bilateral investment treaties. Special status of international commercial arbitration in national law. Major arbitral institutions and rules, including ICC, LCIA, AAA and ICSID. State contracts: Act of State and sovereign immunity. Expropriation claims. Delocalization and the influence of the arbitral seat. Arbitral awards as a contribution to lex mercatoria (Monday 2:10-4:10 p.m.)

The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School
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