Few negotiation examples in real life demonstrate the benefit of effective conflict resolution skills than those disputes that arise in the home, such as those between parents and children. Getting a good night’s sleep and eating a healthy dinner might seem like obvious goals for parents to have for their young children, but kids won’t … Read More
When you download the New Conflict Management: Effective Conflict Resolution Strategies to Avoid Litigation you will learn how wise negotiators extract unexpected value using an indirect approach to conflict management.
conflict resolution skills
What are Conflict Resolution Skills?
Conflict resolutions skills can help us solve problems between family members at home and bring calm to long-standing aggression between nations.
When military conflict erupted between North and South Korea in 2015, the two governments agreed to emergency talks. Armed forces from the two nations were on standby as the South’s chief national security adviser and a leading military officer from the North met on the border to test their conflict resolution skills.
In another case that erupted in 2015, music star Madonna and her ex-husband Guy Ritchie were in a legal dispute over where their 15-year-old son, Rocco, should live. New York Supreme Court proceedings revealed that Rocco, who had been on tour with his mother earlier in the month, had been living with his father in the United Kingdom and had expressed a desire to continue living abroad.
Justice Deborah Kaplan ordered that Rocco be returned to the United States by the following month. The following day, Madonna reportedly filed legal proceedings in London under the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction on the grounds that Rocco was being retained abroad illegally.
Conflict resolution skills such as relationship building and communication skills advocated by integrative bargainers apply in nearly every negotiation scenario you can imagine – even situations as contentious as those above. Business negotiations rely upon trust, rapport, and a mutual sense of respect in order to make the deal happen. Likewise, when dealing with difficult people in your daily life, active listening and a respectful, calm demeanor are proven techniques for preserving your relationship with your counterpart while also addressing their concerns in a thoughtful way.
When you download the New Conflict Management: Effective Conflict Resolution Strategies to Avoid Litigation you will learn how wise negotiators extract unexpected value using an indirect approach to conflict management.
We will send you a download link to your copy of the report and notify you by email when we post new advice and information on how to improve your business negotiation skills to our website.
The following items are tagged conflict resolution skills:
The Two Koreas Practice Conflict Management
In August 2015, the decades-long conflict between South Korea and North Korea threatened to reach a breaking point. The causes of conflict between North and South go deep, but in this case, the South accused the North of planting landmines that seriously injured two South Korean border guards. South Korea retaliated with an old tactic … Read The Two Koreas Practice Conflict Management
Police Negotiation Techniques from the NYPD Crisis Negotiations Team
Few negotiators can imagine negotiation scenarios more stressful than the kinds of crisis negotiations the New York City Police Department’s Hostage Negotiation Team undertake. But police negotiation techniques employed by the New York City Police Department’s Hostage Negotiations Team (HNT) in high-stakes, high-pressure crisis negotiation situations, outlined in an article from Jeff Thompson and Hugh … Read More
How to Deal with Difficult Customers
To hear some salespeople and service representatives tell it, difficult behavior from customers is at an all-time high. Stories of demanding customers proliferate in the press and on social media, while customers likewise complain that their needs increasingly are not being met by companies focused on the bottom line.
… Read How to Deal with Difficult Customers
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Training: Mediation Curriculum
In 2009, we collected many types of curriculum materials from teachers and trainers who attended the Mediation Pedagogy Conference. We received general materials about classes on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) as well as highly specific and idiosyncratic units like Conflict Resolution through Literature: Romeo and Juliet and a negotiating training package for female managers … Read More
In Acrimonious Disputes, Conflict Management is Key
Parties to a business dispute often become so focused on beating the other party that they lose sight of their most important goals. Conflict management efforts can be even more intense and seeming insurmountable between estranged romantic partners with a history of acrimony and distrust.
Consider rock star Madonna’s ongoing legal dispute with her ex-husband, film … Read More
PON co-sponsors negotiation skills training for Israeli and Palestinian students
Thanks to leadership from the Middle East Negotiation Initiative (MENI) of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, a series of negotiation skills trainings was recently provided to eleventh grade students from Jewish and Arab schools in Israel. These two-day workshops, co-sponsored by the Program on Negotiation and the Amal Network and funded by … Read More
Video: Professor Robert Mnookin leads negotiation skills training for Jewish and Arab students in Israel
In this video, Professor Robert H. Mnookin, Chair of the Program on Negotiation, reflects on his experience leading a negotiation workshop for high school students in Israel. The key negotiation skills emphasized in the workshop were active listening and the ability to understand the perspective of the other side. As Professor Mnookin states … Read More