Thirteen Days in the Age of Nuclear Threat: Negotiation Lessons for Peaceful Coexistence

Event Date: Thursday October 25, 2012
Location: Langdell North, Room 225, Harvard Law School Campus

In recognition of the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis,
PON is pleased to present

Thirteen Days in the Age of Nuclear Threat: Negotiation Lessons for Peaceful Coexistence


Bruce Allyn

Author and Practitioner in the field of Conflict Resolution


Alain Lempereur

Professor of Coexistence and Conflict Resolution at Brandeis University

Thursday, October 25, 2012
5:30 pm

Langdell North, Room 225
Harvard Law School campus

About the Speakers:

Bruce Allyn (PhD in Political Economy and Government, Harvard University) is a leading expert and practitioner in the field of conflict resolution, crisis management and strategies for nonviolent change. His most recent book is on the lessons for conflict transformation and innovative dialogue from his work to convene former Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, Fidel Castro, Robert McNamara and other top veterans of the Cuban Missile Crisis in their historic first face-to-face dialogues in Moscow (1989) and Havana (1992). Allyn’s book The Edge of Armageddon: Lessons from the Brink was published in October 2012 for the fiftieth anniversary of the missile crisis. Allyn has held positions as Director, Harvard-Soviet Joint Study; Associate Director, Harvard Strengthening Democratic Institutions Project; Program Director, Conflict Management Group (CMG); and Officer of Harvard University.

Alain P. Lempereur (SJD, Harvard Law School) is the Alan B. Slifka Professor of Coexistence and Conflict Resolution at Brandeis University. He runs the Graduate Programs in Coexistence and Conflict at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management. Former Visiting Professor at Harvard Law School, he is also a member of the Executive Committee of the Program on Negotiation. His book The First Move: A Negotiatior’s Companion has been published in many languages. In his class on Responsible Negotiation, he has made intensive use of the Thirteen Days case.


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