This panel offered participants a series of frames to better appreciate psychopathology and the role of relationships in real-world conflict situations. It also examined characteristics of psychopathology, as well as the relational context in which clinical problem solving takes place. The lecture was followed by break-out groups, where participants applied ideas from the seminar series to actual projects being pursued by Harvard Medical students this summer.
Bruce Cohen is a Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. His many leadership roles include Director of the Shervert Frazier Research Institute, Stanley Research Center, and Molecular Pharmacology Laboratory. He is also former president and Psychiatrist in Chief of McLean Hospital. His research has made important contributions tot he understanding and treatment of psychopathology.
Kimberlyn Leary is the Director of Psychology and Psychology Training at the Cambridge Health Alliance and an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. She was recently the Associate Director of the University of Michigan Psychological Clinic and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Michigan. She is also a Faculty Affiliate at the Program on Negotiation.
Daniel Shapiro, the Director of Harvard’s International Negotiation Initiative and co-author of Beyond Reason: Using Emotions as You Negotiate.
Sponsored by the International Negotiation Initiative
based at the Harvard Negotiation Project and affiliated with the psychiatry department at Harvard Medical School/ McLean Hospital