Conflict Resolution in the Workplace: Connecting the Relational Coordination Community with the Program on Negotiation Community

Event Date: Thursday September 27, 2018
Time: 1:30 - 5:00 PM
Location: WCC 3015, Harvard Law School Campus, Cambridge, MA

The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School invites you to:

Conflict Resolution in the Workplace:
Connecting the Relational Coordination Community with the Program on Negotiation Community

 Thursday, September 27, 2018
1:30 – 5:00 PM
WCC 3015
Harvard Law School Campus
Cambridge, MA

No charge for participants; light refreshments provided.

Please RSVP to Diane Long at

Workshop Overview:

The aim of the workshop is to bring together members of the community associated with the Program on Negotiation (PON) at Harvard Law School who are interested in workplace conflict resolution to join with the community associated with Relational Coordination (RC) within and across organizations. This workshop is taking place concurrent with the annual meeting of the Relational Coordination Research Collaborative and has been organized on the recommendation of RC leaders from Denmark and Norway who will be attending along with others from the RC meetings.

The RC community is focused on improving relational coordination (high quality communications, shared knowledge, mutual respect, etc.) in diverse settings including schools, health care, transportation, construction, and local government – with well-documented performance improvements associated with gains in relational coordination.

The PON community takes a systems approach to conflict in the workplace, with a particular focus on surfacing underlying interests in order to avoid positional conflict. The PON community also deals with conflict where there is not just disagreement, but the intent to do harm to others. Placing RC principles and practices alongside PON principles and practices is sure to be highly generative, especially when dealing with challenging relationships.

More information on both communities:
Relational Coordination:
Program on Negotiation:

PON Hosts: 

  • Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, Brandeis University
  • Erin Kelly, MIT
  • Tom Kochan, MIT
  • Mary Rowe, MIT

RCRC Hosts:

  • Jody Hoffer Gittell, Brandeis University
  • Claus Jebsen, Institute for Co-Creating Leadership
  • Tony Suchman, Relationship Centered Health Care
  • Kathryn McDonald, Stanford Health

Workshop Format:

1:30  Welcome, overview, and introductions

1:45   Introduction to principled negotiation and conflict resolution systems

2:00  Questions and discussion

2:15   Introduction to relational coordination

2:30  Questions and discussion

2:45  Break

3:00  Application exploration (self-selected small groups, for example)

Health Care; Education; Manufacturing; Legal Services; Science/Research

4:15  Full group reports and discussion

4:45  Concluding comments

5:00  Adjourn


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