New Developments in Workplace Dispute Resolution: Australia, South Africa, United Kingdom, and the United States

Event Date: Wednesday May 17, 2006
Time: 8:30-10:00am (Continental Breakfast at 8:00)
Location: Pound Hall, 2nd Floor, John Chipman Gray Room, Harvard Law School

Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld – Senior Research Scientist, Sloan School of Management and Engineering Systems Division, MIT and Co-director, Program on Negotiation in the Workplace

Professor Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld moderated a discussion on labor negotiations around the world.

Ms Anna Booth (Australia), Director of the private workplace change, training & dispute resolution agency CoSolve; Director of Members Equity (the union bank in Australia); mediator, trainer, facilitator;

Mr. John Brand (South Africa), Director of the private workplace change, training & dispute resolution agency Conflict Dynamics; Partner of the law firm Bowman, Gilfillan, Johannesburg; mediator, arbitrator, trainer, facilitator;

Mr. Charles Nupen (South Africa), Chief Technical Advisor for Southern Africa, International Labour Organisation; mediator, arbitrator, facilitator;

Ms. Nancy Peace (United States), arbitrator and mediator, Past President, Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR);

Jonathan Sandler (Australia), Manager of Employee Relations, ANZ Bank; Partner in the law firm Blake Dawson Waldron; mediator, arbitrator, trainer:

Dr. Thomas Schneider (United States), President, CEO and Founder of Restructuring Associates Inc., and Chairman and CEO of Schneider (Australia) Consulting Pty Ltd.;

Ms. Felicity Steadman (United Kingdom), Director of the private workplace change, training & dispute resolution agency Conflict Dynamics; mediator, arbitrator, trainer, facilitator;

Mr. Clive Thompson (Australia), Director of CoSolve, arbitrator of the Workers Compensation Commission, New South Wales, adjunct professor, University of Cape Town Law School; mediator, arbitrator, trainer, facilitator.

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