Employment ADR in the International Setting: Does Our Experience Have Any Transferability?

Event Date: Wednesday February 13, 2002
Time: DRF: 8:30-10:00 a.m. (Continental Breakfast at 8:00) Peervision Case Conference: 10:15-11:30 a.m.
Location: Pound 335, Harvard Law School

Arnold M. Zack

The United States has the reputation for effective use of mediation and arbitration of disputes in unionized workplaces. Anyone who has ever been inconvenienced abroad by frequent strikes of transit or government workers must wonder why other countries don’t adopt a system like ours, free of wildcat strikes. Arnold Zack, whose background and experience are in mediation and arbitration of union management disputes, has worked for forty years to encourage the use of ADR in employment disputes in other countries.

This session will explore aspects of American-style ADR that inhibit its adoption in other countries. Zack will also examine the unique problems of international organizations in establishing internal dispute resolution procedures and the common threads of dispute resolution that are gaining more and more prominence as both national and international governments seek to resolve employment disputes though ADR.

Arnold M. Zack is a mediator and arbitrator of labor-management disputes and former President of the National Academy of Arbitrators. He holds degrees from Tufts College, Yale Law School (LLB 1956) and Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government (MPA 1961). He has taught Dispute Resolution at Yale Law School and teaches currently at the Labor and Work Life Program at Harvard Law School. He recently chaired an international panel to recommend changes in the internal dispute resolution systems of the International Monetary Fund and serves on the Steering Committee of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague.

Following Arnold Zack’s talk is a Peervision case conference. Mindy Milberg will present an employment dispute in which a manager claims he was passed over for a promotion. During the actual mediation the parties reached an impasse after coming very close to an agreement. In her discussion Milberg will invite the audience to suggest some impasse-breaking techniques.

Mindy Milberg is an attorney with a solo practice in Natick specializing in employment law, estate planning and dispute resolution. She is Co-Chair of the Boston Bar Association ADR Committee, a member of ACR and a panel member of the American Arbitration Association.

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