An Analysis of EU-NATO Alliances: Lessons From a Multiparty Role Simulation

Event Date: Thursday December 7, 2006
Time: 12:15 - 1:15 PM
Location: Pound Hall 332, Harvard Law School

Sara Ulrich – University of Paris XI, Center for Analysis of Disputes and their Modes of Settlement (CADMOS) and PON Visiting Scholar

Please join Dr. Sara Ulrich for a discussion of her innovative approach to bridging Realist theory and EU integration using a multiparty role simulation.

Dr. Ulrich proposes that Realist theorists often overlook the causal relationship between alliances and EU integration. Her simulation explores the relationship between Realism, alliance building, and EU integration using the creation of European Security and Defense Policy as an example.

This talk will showcase the role simulation and the rationale behind it.

Sara Ulrich is a Senior Lecturer on Crisis Management, EU studies and Alliance IR theory at the Paris University XI. She is also Secretary General of the research center CADMOS (Center for Analysis of Disputes and their Modes of Settlement). She received her LL.B. and LL.M. in European and public French law from the University Robert Schuman of Strasburg (France), her LL.M in German law at the University of Passau (Germany), her M.Phil. in Diplomacy and Strategic Negotiations and her PhD in political science from the University Paris XI.

Her research activities include EU-NATO crisis management, alliances and coalition building in security negotiations, civilian crisis management, and the political impact of international disaster relief. She also specializes in building and conducting crisis management simulations with students, professionals and diplomats all around the globe. Ulrich received the 2005-2006 scholar-in-residence award from the European Union Center of Excellence at Texas A&M University for her research on hurricane Katrina’s impact on transatlantic relations. She also received an award from CADMOS to be a visiting scholar at the Program on Negotiation (PON) in the fall of 2006. While at PON, Ulrich will create a simulation exercise based on hurricane Katrina’s crisis management. She can be reached at

Bring your lunch — drinks and dessert provided.

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